For an employer, a background check is the last step in your hiring process.
Yes, the hiring process may begin with a massive sense of excitement. After all, you’re getting the right candidate who’ll fill a gap in your firm. However, do you know how hard it is to get a competent person for your role?
First, you have to sort through resumes, schedule, and conduct interviews. Plus, the nagging anxiety on whether the applicant is a right fit turns the recruitment process into a burden.
After the interview, you’re left wondering if a professional background check necessary. If an employee’s skills, experience, and personality fit right into your organization’s needs, why undertake pre-employment screening services?
You’re certainly eager to complete the hiring process. But before then, undertake a comprehensive employment service. Use the outcomes to determine whether to hire the employee or not.
Here are the primary reasons for a professional background check.
1. The Bottom Line
The Society for Human Resource Management places the average cost of hire at $4,129. As such, your firm is investing a lot of funds to hire the best employee. But what will you do if you realize your favorite employee is an ex-convict or has exaggerated credentials?
According to statistics, over 95 percent of job applicants falsify facts on their resumes. Using such a resume for hiring may yield clueless and incompetent employees. You don’t want this to happen.
At times, it doesn’t have to be lies that employees tell during the interview process. For instance, what happens if you hire a sales driver only to realize their DUIs prevent them from driving?
If this happens, you don’t have an alternative but to restart the recruitment process. This wastes your time and money. Avoid these costly restarts by hiring an expert to handle a professional background check.
2. Gives you A Peace of Mind
When hiring, you want an employee who’ll work under minimal supervision. As the hiring authority, you’ll have other issues to handle. But how do you get such an employee?
By running a background check on potential employees. Check their experience and reviews from past employers. Use this information to hire your employees; you’ll not regret it.
3. Promote a Safe and Secure Working Environment
Employers must provide a safe and secure working environment. It should also be comfortable for everyone working in that area. How do you make this happen?
Well, by hiring quiet and thoughtful employees in your organization. Use professional background screening services to identify and shun people with a violent record.
4. Avoid Legal Cases
Safety in the workplace is a concern for many employees. It also motivates them to handle their daily tasks meticulously. But what happens if one employee fights or harms the other?
The issue may result in a costly court case. It’s even worse if you didn’t do a comprehensive professional screening on the employee. The injured worker can sue you or hold you liable for your negligent actions.
Another concern that a background screening service addresses is compliance. For instance, the government requires workers in certain industries to have specific certifications or accreditation. How will you verify whether the accreditation is up-to-date?
Hiring a non-compliant employee can have severe ramifications on your firm. First, you’ll have to dismiss them, thus starting the hiring process from scratch. In the worst case, you’ll get a fine for negligence or lose your trading license.
5. Reduce Employee Turnover
Hiring the wrong employee costs you time and money. Obviously, the right employee saves you time and money.
As such, it’s vital to engage a background check service to verify the resume facts. For instance, does the applicant have the training and experience they claim to have? If truthful, the employees are reliable and might stick around for a long time.
That’s why employment screening services are essential; they ensure you’re hiring the right person.
Hire Professional Background Check Services Today
A professional background screening check plays a vital role in your recruitment process. It ensures you have the right team of competent employees who deliver quality results to your firm.