Every industry is susceptible to human error. It is approximated that up to 90% of workplace accidents are due to human error. It is an unfortunate fact, but it is something that we can help mitigate. Through the use of regulatory compliance courses we can help to eliminate the margin if error so that workplace accidents can be kept at a bare minimum.
What Are Regulatory Compliance Courses?
Regulatory compliance courses are specially designed courses that teach and instill needed skills throughout an organization or corporation. They are usually presented as leveled training courses that focus on obtaining verifiable mastery of the taught skills.
What are the Benefits of Regulatory Compliance Courses?
An in depth understanding of compliance issues and regulatory issues is essential to maintaining a successful industry. These courses lend themselves to reducing human error, memory fails, and strive for accident prevention by addressing any gaps in skill, while directing employees in proper knowledge of the organization.
What Are Some Ways to Reduce Human Error?
There are a few simple ways to start taking steps towards drastically reducing the margin for error in your workplace. A few of the more important ones are:
- Improving Management Systems. Improving things like proper documentation, risk management systems, and investigation protocols, can lay strong foundations from which you can begin to build upon.
- Improving Procedure. All of the procedures used within your industry need to be accurate and widely known. They need to be available and accessible to each employee, and most importantly, they need to be realistically enforceable. Check to make sure the each employee is trained in all proper working methods. This is where regulatory compliance courses can play a big part in your success. If held annually as a refresher course, you can help eliminate the possibility of errors due to memory failures. If procedures are important to know, but used rarely, it’s good to make sure everyone stays up to date.
- Training. This goes hand in hand with the above. All employees need safety training specialized to their department and field. This needs to include all of the issues surrounding why certain methods are used, as well as what specifically the procedures entail, and how to conduct them as safely and efficiently as possible.
- Getting Supervisors More Involved. Managers and supervisors play a huge role in overseeing the safety and reduction of human error in the workplace. Supervisors should assist with walk-throughs and on the job training sessions to ensure all regulatory procedures are being met.
- Improved Communication. Constant communication should be maintained at every stage of any project or workplace endeavor. All employees should know what needs to be completed during their shifts, and constant communication between teams and groups can help eliminate any errors or safety issues.
- Improving Individual Performance. Conditions in the workplace should be evaluated to insure there is nothing that could create undue stress or mental overload. Circumstances such as not enough time to complete tasks correctly, unnecessary complexity of a task or task design. Instances like this can fatigue the mind and lead to more memory failures than had conditions been different.
The take away from this is that human error can be mitigated, if not outright prevented, provided proper regulations and procedures are met; in addition to improved workplace environment. Accurate management systems that insure clear and concise instructions and training are administered to all staff is essential to helping business continue without error miscalculation. Employees want to do jobs the right way, and they want to be able to complete tasks as they we assigned without mistake, but it is up to everyone to work together in a collective effort to make sure that all conditions are as conductive as possible for excellent production.