If you are looking into leasing retail space for a large store you might be interested in renting a warehouse. When you are leasing commercial property of any kind there are several things to consider but leasing a warehouse in particular comes with several things to think about. Industrial warehouse space is usually for storage or manufacturing or distribution but you there are also owners who would be interesting leasing retail space for other purposes, depending on what you need. Here are a few things to link about when considering renting out warehouse space for yourself.
- The HVAC Situation
HVAC stands for heating, ventilation and air conditioning. Most warehouses that are leasing retail space don’t have very good HVAC systems. You may be responsible for bringing in your own unit. If you find a warehouse that has one, you’ll still want to check it because if it wasn’t taken care of, it could be a hazard. - Hidden Expenses
You need to know exactly what is included and excluded from the operating costs and fees. This usually includes any taxes, insurance and probably maintenance. Make sure that you have in writing what the landlord is willing to take of and pay for and what you will need to be responsible for during the entire time of your lease. - Car Parking
Depending on whether the parking lot is asphalt or concrete there will need to be some maintenance done. A lot of landlords will make the tenants responsible for covering the cost of that but it should be their duty because it is a long term expense. However, if the landlord agrees to care for the parking lot, make sure you know what your limitations are regarding its use. - Zoning and Loading Areas
Before leasing retail space, you will need to make sure that the property is zoned for what you need it for. It’s easier to zone of industrial than retail, so you’ll definitely need to make sure everything is taken care of.
As for loading docks, decide when you are going to have your products dropped off and picked up and how. This will determine the height of the docking area and the size of the place that you’ll need. It’s cheaper and easier to load outside the warehouse, but if you need to drive the trucks in side then you might need grade level loading. - Sufficient Power
Before signing anything, make sure that the property that you are looking into has enough electrical power for what you need. If your landlord can’t tell you what kind of electricity is available to the building then you may need to hire a professional electrician to come and take a look at the warehouse. Amperage and power both need to be evaluated so that you don’t blow fuses or transformers after you get started and find out that the building isn’t going to work for what you need. If you are feeling up to it and like the building enough, you could have more power made available to the building if there isn’t enough. You’d obviously have to clear this with your landlord. - The Height of the Ceiling
Don’t guess about the ceiling height. It’s almost impossible to tell without properly measuring. Ask the landlord to show you documents regarding the height. This way, you’ll be able to know if the products or equipment you need to stack or bring in are going to fit in the warehouse. The ceilings are typically anywhere between 18 and 25 feet high, but check, just in case. - Ability to Expand
The landlord should know if the tenants nearby are going to be renewing their leases soon or if they have the option to. If you plan to expand in the future, you should know if that is even going to be an option. If the other tenants have an expansion option over your space then you should get it in writing that the landlord will pay for your move should the tenants decide to expand. - Floor Capacity
This is the main one that is always forgotten; a floor can only take so much weight so make sure that the amount it can bare fits your needs for your intended use.
There is more you should consider, but this will get you started.