Business organization charts can not only be extremely useful to the way your business functions, they can provide an increase in productivity and positivity in the workplace among employees.
However, it’s important to note that unless you’re using the right organizational chart to gain all of the benefits they can offer. There are three distinct types of org charts for you to choose from: hierarchical, matrix, and flat. Here are a few different characteristics and benefits of each.
Hierarchical Business Organization Chart
If you’re familiar with how a traditional hierarchy works, then you shouldn’t have any trouble understanding the concept of hierarchical employee directory software. This is the most commonly used type of org chart. A hierarchical chart showcases the people who have the most power at the top, and continues down in order of who does what and holds which powers in the company. This is how most companies work anyway, so that chart is simply a reflection of how the business works. Within a hierarchy, members typically report to the person directly above them for any help.
Matrix Org Chart
While less common, it’s still a popular form of company directory software. This typically occurs if a team reports to more than one manager or supervisor. For example, a company could have a team of designers that report to the head of that department for all of their primary work, but they could report to other managers for certain projects they’ve undertaken. This is much more of a complex structure, although many companies do operate this way.
Flat Business Organization Chart
A flat organizational chart is also referred to as a horizontal org chart, and is one of the simplest forms of employee directories. In this type of org chart, there aren’t any team leaders. Rather, there are simply two levels of top administrators and workers. In companies like this, employees typically have more responsibilities and weight in decision making.
Different org charts will work in varying degrees of success, depending on the type of business using them. The key here is to determine what kind of business you’re operating and then go from there.