On average, consumers are exposed to over 3,000 ads and promotional messages every day. These messages come to them in many different forms, ranging from social media ads, billboards, brochures, and window displays. With all of these ads and promotions flying at them from every angle, the average consumer will decide to either stick with a brand or buy from a competitor within 3 to 7 seconds.
There are many reasons to have a good presence on social media. However, research shows that although shoppers will use their smartphones to do research on a product, 77% of consumers will go to a physical store to shop. When those shoppers come through your doors, between 6 and 10 purchases they make can be classified as impulse purchases.
What’s the best way to get them through the door? By catching their eye with one or two glass door business signs.
If you are struggling to find a creative way to draw more customers to your business, having contemporary glass signs and signage might be the best step for you. A customer who is walking around your area might be more inclined to walk inside if your unique custom vinyl door decals catch their eye. According to a 2014 Mass Merchant Study, 16% of unplanned purchases were due to a display noticed while shopping. That 16% of additional sales can make a big difference over time.
There are multiple types of glass door business signs that you can choose from to match your business’ aesthetic and functional necessities. Clear window decals are a subdued and classic option for a front door display that will highlight any of your future creative retail display ideas.
Don’t just stop at using unique glass door business signs to draw customers inside. Using metal display signs to show off your product price tags or a putting together a product display stand to highlight the merchandise throughout your store can help your customer have a more enjoyable shopping experience.
The power of good signage should never be underestimated, even when you are displaying merchandise at full price. According to a 2011 report, 86% of consumers will pay more for a better experience and full priced merchandise performed 18% better with signage than without. Having indoor sign stands placed throughout the store will help customers know how much something costs without having to put any effort into finding a price tag, which could mean the difference between making a sale and having a customer walk out your doors without purchasing anything.