Water gives us the gift of life. Unfortunately, it’s also one of the easiest elements to contaminate.
The subject of clean water has only become more and more widespread these past few years. Customers and businesses alike want to know they’re investing in clean water, but determining this takes more than just a simple taste test. Construction dewatering, remediation services and filters are just a few ways of removing contaminants and creating a clean drinking source. Considering the damage that can be spread when water is infected with bacteria or trace metals, handing over this responsibility to professionals is one of the best ways to make sure you never have to worry about contamination.
What can environmental remediation contractors do to improve your water supply?
Water Around The World
Did you know only 3% of the planet’s water is fresh? This can seem like an alarming percentage, considering the vast majority of the Earth’s surface is covered in ocean. Scientists have estimated just 1% of this fresh water is suitable for drinking, making fresh water one of the biggest issues around the world. Conversations about fresh water today often involve the issue of chemical contaminants or lack of access, both of which can be improved when you hire environmental remediation professionals.
The State Of Pollution Today
Pollution is a major health issue affecting billions of people around the world as we know it. A recent study determined up to 70% of chemical contaminants are dumped into various water bodies, polluting local water supplies and leaving nearby populations in a bad position. In fact, it’s estimated up to 80% of the most serious hazardous waste sites in the United States have impacted the quality of nearby ground water. Businesses have a major responsibility to curb this trend and go the extra mile to reduce the amount of runoff pollution and contamination caused by day-to-day activity.
Technology Used To Clean Water
While water pollution is at an all-time high, we have also never been in a better spot to identify contaminants and clear them out. Chemical contaminants, physical contaminants and bacteria can all be flushed out and eliminated with the aid of various treatment methods. There are three basic technologies for removing PFOS or PFOA from water. Homeowners can buy custom filters for their faucets or reverse osmosis treatment methods for their whole house water supply.
Dirty Water Treatments For Businesses
Businesses require more than just a hard water filter to clear out chemical contaminants in local water supplies. Environmental contracting is a tool that can be used to analyze entire systems. Every year sees around 16,000 chemical spills occurring from trucks, storage tanks and trains, usually when materials are being transferred from one place to another. An environmental remediation company can provide your business with a step-by-step plan to gradually reverse this damage and encourage healthy ground water once more.
What The Future Holds For Drinking Water
Choosing an environmental contractor is the most important first step toward reducing damage and creating clean water supplies. Failing to do so can leave several communities without the fresh drinking and bathing water they need to remain healthy. Ground water today accounts for over 95% of the nation’s available fresh water resources, which results in as much as half the drinking water for its occupants. Contaminants of concern range from chemical spills to excess hard water, the latter being a term for water filled with too many minerals. Instead of waiting and hoping for things to change, take power in your hands and see how you can benefit from a commercial dewatering pump.
Water is all around us. Fresh water, however, takes a little work. What could a dewatering contractor do to change how your business impacts the planet?