The owner of any business, big or small, will have plenty of work to juggle, and that includes constant efforts to market and advertise that business and its services to consumers. Every year, many hours of time and a lot of money is spent on researching newer and better ways to advertise to customers and consumers, and overall, businesses take two routes: digital marketing, and consulting sign companies for outdoor signs. A person may be tempted to think that the Internet and social media have made sign companies and commercial signs obsolete, but this is far from the case. Rather, savvy business owners make use of both sign companies and digital marketing agencies, as these two routes can compliment each other. After all, signs can’t advertise to anyone who’s not actually near them, and many Americans report getting digital media burnout. But signs are always visible and appealing to customers and pedestrians, so sign companies get plenty of work today. Just what are signs capable of?
Commercial Signage and Its Power
Custom signs, large billboards, electronic ad screens, and more are highly effective at spreading around a brand name or message, and many surveys and studies can confirm this. For example, it has been found that around 85% of a business’s customers live within a five-mile radius of that business, so signs placed within that circle can efficiently spread the message to many people. A consumer inside that circle may see that brand name 50 to 60 times per week on signs, and that is plenty of exposure by many standards. What is more, studies show that the value of on-site signage is similar to that of 24 full page newspaper ads per year. Meanwhile, many surveyed drivers report that they look at billboards as they drive, and billboards are a fine way to advertise local law firms, attractions, and even political candidates.
The quality of a sign borrowed from or made by sign companies makes all the difference. After all, many surveyed consumers say that a sign’s appearance and quality will probably reflect that of the company that owns it, and signs will make a clear first impression of a business. If a sign is solidly built, attractive, and has a clear message, customers may get a good impression and have faith that the business will be a quality one. By contrast, an ugly, shoddy, or confusing sign may fail to bring in very many consumers. A consumer might think: if that business can’t even be bothered to make a good sign, how can they provide good services?
Different Types of Signs
There is more than one way to make or display a sign, and today’s business clients have plenty of attractive options when they consult sign companies in the area. Many signs are fairly conventional, being made of a combination of metal, wood, and plastic, and they can be mounted right onto a building for display. Many of these signs may have a plastic face with the brand name, and light bulbs inside the sign’s body can make it glow at night to attract customers. Maintenance of these signs may involve fixing the frame, replacing a cracked plastic face, or replacing the light bulbs inside if they burn out. These signs can be placed right over a business’s front door, and larger signs can be mounted on the roof to be more visible from a distance. Some businesses, such as fast food restaurants or auto shops, choose to place their signs on top of tall poles.
Meanwhile, some signs use more electrical components than a few light bulbs. Many night-based businesses such as bars, movie theaters, and night clubs make use of neon displays and signs, such as a bar featuring a neon sign for a beer brand offered inside. Neon signs are easy to see at night, after all. Other businesses may use electronic ad screens, which may have a slide show of images programmed into them (and thus act as many signs in one). Some ad screens may show animated visuals to catch a pedestrian’s attention, and they may even have speakers for audio. Lastly, scrolling marquees are often used by schools and houses of worship to share updated messages with interested parties.