The transportation industry of the United States has long been a necessary thing. As a matter of fact, we have relied upon the transportation industry in many ways. For one thing, it creates a great deal of jobs for people all throughout the country. As the industry itself has continued to grow, so too have the jobs offered from it. Currently, there are more than five and a half million people employed throughout the industry of transportation, using up to 12 million different vehicles throughout the course of the industry’s work.
This number of employed residents of the United States is truly only likely to increase, as serious growth is expected to be seen in the years that are ahead of us. This growth will likely show up in a number of different places. For one thing, growth will be seen in the actual amount of goods that are transported from one part of the country to the next. Back in the year of 2013, there were only around 15 billion tons of cargo transported over the course of a single year. However, the year of 2040 will show us more than 18.5 billion tons of cargo being transported throughout this very same period of time.
And in addition to the overall volume of goods transported is on the rise, so too is the actual dollar value of these goods. By the time that we reach that same year of 2040, just one single ton of cargo is likely to be worth considerably more than $1,300. This marks a considerable period of growth from the year of 2013, currently six years in the past, where a single ton of cargo was only worth just over $880. Therefore, it is clear to see the value within the transportation industry.
Much of this growth can be traced back to the development of specialty services offered within it. The trade show shipment is just one good example of exactly this, as a trade show shipment will be made a reality through trade show freight shipping services. And as trade shows have become more and more popular and highly utilized with the passage of time, the average trade show shipment has become more commonly seen. And this trade show shipment has also grown more and more valuable as well. The trade show shipment must be done quickly and efficiently in most cases, which will require skilled trade show freight carriers to make a reality.
And the specialty freight services involving the average trade show shipment are certainly not the only specialty services around. Expedited freight services have also become quite hugely popular. These expedited freight services can get you your product quite quickly after you have placed an order for it, making expedited freight services hugely valuable in today’s world. After all, online shopping often offers expedited shipping, which such services utilize and make possible.
And online shopping and e-commerce on the whole have made it so that the transportation industry – particularly in regards to trucking – is more important than ever before. After all, the industry surrounding e-commerce has grown immensely in recent years, already worth more than $420 billion here in the United States alone, let alone throughout the rest of the world as well. For most people, in fact, online shopping has become something of a regular fixture in life. Without online shopping, the world would be much different indeed, as online shopping has brought a life changing sense of convenience to the world as we know it. In the end, this is something that has factored into the overall success and prowess of the transportation industry as well, making it a very important thing indeed, to say the very least.
At the end of the day, there is certainly no doubting the fact that people from all throughout the United States have been impacted by the incredibly vast growth in the transportation industry. This growth has occurred for a whole array of reasons, and has become hugely important to the overall structure of our country in many different ways.