Today’s offices are constantly evolving. From co working spaces that allow several people to share the expensive of a single office to shared professional reception services, there are many ways that today’s smallest of businesses are able to afford the business space that they occasionally need. With the use of so much online work, many business owners can complete much of their work online. There are times, however, when every business owner needs the use of an office, as well as sometimes professional reception services.
Whether you need to book a meeting room once a month or you need onsite professional reception services on a daily basis, there are many ways to join in a shared economy that can help you get the services you need at a fraction of the traditional costs of running an office.
Fully Furnished Office Space Can Help Even the Smallest of Businesses Succeed
Professional reception services are important options for many kinds of businesses. From small consulting companies to online gift sales, there are many times when all kinds of businesses need traditional office spaces, including the use of secretaries and receptionists. Fully furnished office solutions are the best way to conduct some kind of business meetings, but an increasing number of online companies do not have any office space. As a result, when they do need to have a face to face meeting they are not able to find a location for this meeting.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the many ways that virtual office spaces and shared professional reception services are impacting businesses across the country:
- Reaching 5.1 million members by the year 2022, the number of global co working spaces is projected to reach 30,432 by that time.
- With more than 400 million entrepreneurs around the world, there are an increasing number of people looking for flexible office solutions.
- Organizations that implemented a telework program reported a 63% reduction in unscheduled absences, according to the American Management Association.
- In fact, 60% of remote workers in a recent survey indicated that if they could, they would leave their current job for a full-time remote position at the same pay rate.
- Employees working at home use 60% of the time they would have spent commuting actually doing work, according to a Sun Microsystems survey.
- More than 50% of people who telecommute part-time worldwide indicated that they wanted to increase their remote hours.
- 74% of older Americans would want work flexibility and 34% would like to work from home, according to a survey by the American Association for Retired Persons (AARP).
- 23% of employees in 2015 reported doing some of their work remotely. This is a percentage that has increased from 19% in 2003, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data.
- As many as 82% of telecommuters reported lower stress levels, according to one recent study.
- Companies of all sizes report significant decreases in operating costs, according to the latest remote work statistics. For example, American Express reported annual savings of $10 million to $15 million as a result of its remote work options.
- In addition, 30% of teleworkers said that telecommuting allowed them to accomplish more in less time, according to a survey from ConnectSolutions.
Many things about today’s careers have changed, so it should come as no surprise that the kind of office space that we need might be changing as well. Knowing that you need to have access to a traditional office space at times, it is often best to contract with a co working space on a regular basis. This contract will allow you to have use of an office when it is needed, but not to have to deal with the maintenance and staffing on a regular basis.
Going to work today can look very different for many employees. As more and more corporations offer their employees the opportunity to work from home, in fact, there are a growing number of people who opt for telecommuting. With less drive time and fewer interruptions, these workers continue to show signs of higher productivity. When onsite meetings are needed, an increasing number of companies opt for co working spaces with shared professional reception services and other office solutions that provide a great deal of flexibility.