As a famous rock song once proclaimed, “Sign. Sign. Everywhere a sign!”
That’s certainly true of today’s world where technological advances have allowed folks in many facets of life to display signs and messages in new ways. Think about your local downtown shopping center for example. Where once you might have seen wooden, hand-painted signs in front of stores, you’re more likely to see bright, LED-lit signs and marquees beckoning customers inside stores.
It isn’t just limited to shopping malls and stores either. Think about your local community for a few seconds. With the advent of LED lighting as allow marquee signs for schools, church marquee signs, billboards and even City Hall announcement boards to shine big and bright, no matter the time of day or type of weather.
When it comes to schools, there’s little doubt that there’s always vital information that needs to go out to parents and students: parent-teacher conference dates, report card dates, snow day notifications, professional development day notifications, fun school activity dates. That can also include notifications of when there are potentially dangerous situations at a school, which is unfortunate in this day and age.
Nonetheless, when important information needs to be known, schools do their best to get it out in as many formats as possible whether it’s emails, phone calls, texts or flyers that are sent home.
Another way schools can get important information out is by using school marquee signs. Marquee signs for schools can be extraordinarily effective, especially when you consider the advances that LED lighting allows for these days. LED lighting lasts longer, shines brighter, is more eco-friendly and can make a great impression in the community.
It’s estimated that 35% of people wouldn’t have discovered a business if not for its sign. It’s hard to miss seeing a school, especially in a small community. But marquee signs for schools are hard to miss. They’re customizable, cost-effective and can make people take notice immediately as they drive by.
If your school has outdated signage and is looking for an upgrade, you can’t go wrong with LED marquee signs for schools for several reasons:
- Connection: If you’re a school administrator and you’ve got important messages to get out to parents, children and other folks associated with your school, an LED school marquee is perfect for getting those messages out. With a bright and shiny marquee displaying all the important news of the day, there’s less chance of people missing out on important messages.
- Providing a boost: If your school has a stadium scoreboard with all kinds of animations and logos and video, schools have likely seen how those things have elicited a positive reaction from people in the community. Marquee signs for schools can work in the same way.
Sure, a marquee sign won’t have video or animations or the pizzazz of a scoreboard, but with LED lighting schools can customize the signs to flash and flicker and have important information presented in all kinds of ways. Some of those messages might include encouragement to local athletes before a big game or to students after important academic accomplishments. - Easy of use: Traditionally marquee signs can be a pain to change, especially if they require changing out messages by hand and one letter at a time. An LED marquee takes away all of that frustration. With just a few keyboard clicks, administrators can change messages, update messages and do whatever they need to freshen up the marquee for the day.
- Worth the money: If you’re hemming and hawing about spending the money for a new sign, LED marquees are well worth it. In a time when the way people use technology is constantly changing, schools would do well to stay with times and invest in brand-new LED marquees which will last a long time, be very easy to use and allow them to get important news out fast.
If schools are looking for an easier, more cost-effective way to communicate all kinds of important information to the masses, marquee signs for schools are definitely the way to go.