There are few things as read, watched, posted or listened to all over the world as much as the latest Wall Street news. People from all different backgrounds, and incomes, want to know what is happening on Wall Street. With the possible exceptions of the weather and reality television, the latest Wall Street news just might be the most sought after information on the planet.
Websites, radio and television broadcasts, and Wall street news papers give updates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Even when the U.S. businesses are closed and the ones along the actual street are not open Wall street business news does not stop. Not limited to the country of the United States, the state or the city of New York, let alone the street, Wall Street financial news covers all financial news world wide.
The actual concrete road in Manhattan named Wall Street is not very long. Besides the street itself, the rest of the NYC financial district, with its center being at Wall Street and the few blocks surrounding it, has always been collectively known as Wall Street. More than just the New York Stock Exchange, it is the financial center of the entire United States.
The name has become synonymous with high finance in the U.S. and throughout the rest of the world. It is not just American finance, when something big happens in the European or Asian markets, it is still considered to be Wall Street breaking news. The amount of physical space it occupies is actually quite small. When you consider that the latest Wall Street news can impact the entire world, a street in Manhattan measuring only slightly more than a half a mile in length seems tiny.