Did you know chquebooks first came on the scene by the Bank of England during 1830? Chequebooks consisted of groups of 50, 100 or 200 cheques. Today, people have many more options for cheap checks than people did back in the 1800s. For example, some companies provide custom printed laser cheques. Laser cheques must be compatible with account software in order for business owners to take full advantage of the benefits of a laser cheque. If you are a business owner handling multiple bank accounts, you might want to consider the convenient options that Canadian cheques provide. You can find information about personalized cheques on various sites like social media sites and business directories.
Another major benefit associated with personalized cheques is the ability to avoid fraud. Cheques printed on secure cheque stock will prevent fraud. During 2010, the Canada Post received reports about more than 3,000 mailbox thefts. This should not be a surprise when you know checks are the number one target mailbox thieves go after. Be sure your accounting software is compatible with laser cheques before you start ordering them in bulk.
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