There are thousands of SKUs launched every year in the United States. In 2014 alone, for example, data showed that there were 30,000 SKUs available in stores throughout the country. When considering all of the available products on the market, the average consumer is exposed to approximately 3,000 ads and other types of promotional messages on a daily basis.
Even though about 77% of consumers will conduct online research prior to shopping, most of these individuals will make their final decisions once they’re in a traditional store. A recent survey showed that this occurs with 82% of the decisions made by shoppers. While many shoppers will bring lists, once they begin to walk up-and-down the aisles, they are likely to see new or unfamiliar items that catch their eye.
As a result of discovering new products, six to ten of the purchases made by shoppers tend to be impulse buys. When items are creatively displayed with effective signs, it’s not surprising that it doesn’t take very long for someone to change their mind. When shopping, consumers will usually take just three to seven seconds to decide whether to purchase their usual brand or a competitor’s.
This is where signage comes into play. Free standing signs, such as pallet sign holders, along with literature holders and other creative retail display ideas can catch the eye of shoppers quite effectively. A 2014 Mass Merchant Study, for instance, showed that 16% of the unplanned purchases made by shoppers were due to their noticing a display while they were shopping.
Businesses can also save on advertising costs when they have pallet sign holders and other types of display stands and racks. In order to reach 1,000 adults over the course of a year with a sign, for example, it may cost from $.03 to $.37. When compared with airing a 30-second commercial, however, the costs associated with reaching this many individuals can range from $4.05 to $7.75
Whether you’ve been in business for decades or are opening your first store, it’s clear that signs do make a difference. When you want to attract more customers, adding a new or larger front door or window sign along with pallet sign holders can assist you with accomplishing this task. Rather than pay for expensive air time or print advertising, why not invest in new signs throughout your store? There’s an excellent chance that this will increase your customer base considerably.
It’s also important to note that a 2011 report showed that 86% of shoppers will pay more money when they have a positive customer experience. Guiding customers through your stores with display and other informational signs is an integral aspect of creating that positive customer experience. As you are likely aware, when people have a positive experience, they will often share this with friends, family, and colleagues. Furthermore, they may also take photos when they discover a unique display or sign and then post these, along with comments, on their various social media sites.