Garage Door Maintenance Procedure for Professionals

Are you the owner of a garage door repair service company? This video will be very helpful for you and give you a little reminder of all the things you need to keep an eye on.

When you’re working on a commercial garage door, or even a residential one, one of the most important elements is the balance. The cost of garage door repair hinges on how well the balance was executed upon.

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When you pull up the garage door, the door should stay where you left it. That’s how you’ll know you did a good job of installing the door. If the door continues to go up, that is called a hot dog, which means the door is too wound up. If the door drops to the ground, that means that the door is too heavy. Now next up is to check the cable that controls the door. The cable is usually frayed so you’ll have to be careful. You want to make sure that there is tension on both cords to ensure that either one of those cables won’t snap off.

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