The entire grocery industry is undergoing a bit of a transformation.
As more and more shoppers want to take advantage of the luxury of ordering their groceries online, there are a number of grocery stores that are ripping out film counters and implementing a storage and pick up system for customers who submit their orders online and only come into the store to pay for their purchases. Interestingly enough, a home delivery service that was once only offered by the smallest of grocers in the country’s tiniest of towns is now a service that big chain stores are providing. Whether customers pick up their online grocery orders in the store or at the curb or have them delivered directly to their homes, the perishable foods operation is undergoing a major change.
Food Inventory Management Software Helps Grocers Track Deliveries Coming In and Going Out
If you have ever made a late at night or early in the morning trip to the grocery store you know that it is a busy place. Even during the times when most shoppers are at home in bed, a grocery store staff is busy making sure that inventory is rotated and that new items are put in place. Any grocery store, or even a convenience store, that has a perishable foods operation has to make use of the latest food distribution software. To not only make sure that there are always items on the shelf, but to also make sure that there are the correct amount of new orders on the way, perishable foods operations are an important part of this nation’s economy.
With the latest direct store delivery software, both large and small grocery stores can make sure that they always have the inventory that they need to meet the requests of customers. Consider some of these facts and figures about the perishable food industry and the impact that it has on not only the shelves of shoppers at home, as well as the economy of the nation:
- Between 2014 and 2016, dollar sales of the specialty food industry rose by 15%, reaching $127 billion.
- In the year 2016, the global food and agricultural industry was about 10% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP).
- Placing third behind housing and transportation, food accounts for approximately 13% of a typical U.S. household’s spending, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.
- 61% of shoppers want their produce department to stock more local items.
- 750 establishments are included in the U.S. fresh prepared foods manufacturing industry.
- 80% of our freshwater, 10% of our available energy, and 50% of our land is required each year to get food to U.S. tables.
Today’s grocery stores are in the process of making a transition from the days when customers did all of their shopping in the store to customers who want to enjoy the convenience of ordering their groceries online. The latest food inventory management software is making this transition easier to manage.