Have You Noticed the Latest Pokemon Go Craze?

You might remember the boom that was Pokemon back in the 90s. However, most people don’t realize that Pokemon is still a remarkable brand and one of the best-selling videogame franchises ever. Although it’s complicated to name a Pokemon from the popular children’s show, they are still relevant for kids and young adults.

The 1995 Nintendo creatures game freak cards introduced new people to Pokemon. This Pokemon card game is still relevant, as it is one of the best ways to experience the concept of pocket monsters. Merchandising is also crucial for Pokemon, as they sell toys and decorations such as a Pokemon trainer red plush doll. However, Pokemon shines the most in their video games, as most young adults remember their experience in Pokemon White 2 online connectivity battles. Other features like an interactive world to explore and numerous adventures ahead make Pokemon games a unique experience.

Pokemon is a recommended video game experience that every gamer should have. Enjoy a creative and unique world while you explore catching the best Pokemon and defeating your enemies in battle.

It was a social media brainstorm that paid off with big dividends. While many businesses and adults were frustrated by the careless traffic that was making its way through their parking lots and other outdoor locations, one Omaha, Nebraska, church capitalized on the first week of Pokemon Go mania that had captured young and old alike.
When the Lutheran pastor first noticed a fairly steady stream of teenagers and parents with younger children parading through the church parking lot, he initially shook his head at the habits of today’s youth. Frantically, but briefly, looking up from their cell phone screens the parading individuals simply could not distance themselves from their technology. On closer examination, however, the pastor soon realized that these wandering souls who kept coming by his office window were appeared to be in search of something.
When he could no longer stand it, his curiosity drug him outside for a conversation. Approaching an adult who appeared to be with three of her children, the pastor asked if he could help them find something. The mother, smiling from ear to ear, answered that she was simply helping her children find a Pokemon Go character. A few more questions asked and answered, and quite frankly more confused than before, the pastor returned to the main office and called an impromptu meeting.
Wow! We are a Level 7 Pokestop! Is that good or bad?

The pastor was proud of himself for discovering the source of the increasingly frequent visitors to the church parking lot. The younger staff members knew of the app, but had not tried it themselves. The older staff members looked online for information to see what they could find out.
Clever Marketing Requires Immediately Capitalizing on the Newest Trends
Turns out the second week in July was the perfect time for the Pokemon Go App to become available. Just as exhausted parents were tiring of their children complaining that they were bored, the altered reality app rejuvenated many cell phone crazy teenagers, as well as their younger siblings. And, as it turned out, the midwestern Lutheran church staff decided that they should find a way to embrace the unexpected foot traffic. By the next morning, a group of ten temporary fence posts greeted the visitors to the parking lot. With parts and pieces of a Bible verse taped to each marker, the roped path lead the Pokemon fans to a final sign:
We REVEAL to you POKEMON. More Revelations Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am
Excited about their idea, the staff then posted a video of the signs on Facebook and also a photo on both Twitter and Instagram. They were even more thrilled when their search engine marketing consulting firm commented, “Nicely played,” on all of the church’s social media posts. It was a pleasant turn around. It was usually the SEO company prompting the church staff about the need for more marketing ideas. This time, however, the church staff joked that they had created their own organic traffic growth as they tracked the number of views, likes, and retweets that their idea was generating. They were anxious to see if some of the attention would bring any new guests to the weekend’s church services.
Methods of Online Marketing Vary According to Trends and Platforms
It is not very often that a business, or a church for that matter, can have such a visual measure of customer traffic. In most cases, watching digital traffic is a process of tracking social media sites and company or institution web sites. No matter how you track the traffic, however, three things seem pretty consistent:

  • Google owns as much as 65% to 70% of the entire search engine market worldwide.
  • 75% of search engine users indicate that they do not scroll past the first page of search results.
  • Search engine and email use are the two most popular internet activities in the world.

As a result, it is no wonder that customers as diverse as Lutheran churches and major retailers look to SEO companies for direction about how to navigate the nearly $20 million a year web design industry. Understandably, no one complains when a little yellow Pokemon character unknowingly helps out!

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