Lab equipment has evolved by leaps and bounds over the years, and can now test for any number of issues. One testing method that is frequently mentioned, but not quite understood, is mass spectrometry protein analysis. This is a testing method that is often referenced in television shows that deal with forensic analysis. The primary function of this analysis method revolves around breaking down a sample to view the individual proteins contained within. As it turns out, mass spectrometry protein analysis is useful in a number of ways, and this article will take a look at a few of them.
- DNA Testing Services: One use for mass spectrometry protein analysis is DNA testing and DNA analysis. If you’re not aware of what is DNA analysis, it’s exactly what it sounds like. A sample of DNA is given to the machine, and it’s broken down into its respective proteins to allow a comparison with different samples. For example, this could include a paternity test, as a sample from an infant could be compared to that from a potential father to see if the two are in fact related.
- Drug Testing: Another use for mass spectrometry protein analysis is for drug testing. Samples can be broken down by the machine and analyzed to see if illegal drugs are contained within. This is useful for employers who want to drug test potential or current employees to see if they’ve been using illegal drugs. With protein testing services, the drugs will stand out from the rest of the sample and make it plain if drug use is, or is not, going on.
- Testing Food: And finally, a third use for mass spectrometry protein analysis is to be used to test food to make sure it’s safe to consume. For example, if it’s suspected that certain food items have been contaminated with a particular substance, a sample can be fed through the machine to see if the contaminant is indeed present.
In conclusion, there are several uses for mass spectrometry protein analysis. These uses include providing DNA seq analysis and DNA testing services, drug testing, and testing food for quality. These are just a few of the uses for mass spectrometry protein analysis. While this process isn’t always understood, rest assured that protein analysis is quite important and can be used in a number of ways.