How Can You Learn to be a Business Tax Planner?

The video talks about tax planning and how one can become a tax planner.

The first thing the video discusses is how a business tax planner should not focus on lowering taxes. That should not be a main sales point that someone who wants to be a tax planner should offer.

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The correct thing to sell in this case is accurate bookkeeping. If a business keeps its books properly, the taxes will naturally go down because of accuracy. Thus, new tax planners should focus on competency, education, and accuracy more than the promise of getting taxes lowered for the client.

The speaker also stresses the importance of not focusing on the client’s taxes unless the client has a tax planning package. Pretending not to care doesn’t necessarily mean that the tax planner doesn’t care. However, clients sometimes automatically believe certain services are included if the planner doesn’t say anything. Thus, a business might believe it has special tax services if the tax planner doesn’t clearly distinguish that such services require enrollment in a certain plan. The tax planner should mention the additional services during the initial sales meeting and not wait until tax time comes around. It might make the client uncomfortable to discuss the taxes, but it might work out better for both parties in the end.

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