You have this theory that if you talk to someone for seven to 10 minutes you can find some connection. Either to a place or to a person, in fact, if you are given the time to have a conversation with someone you can typically find a connection between the two of you. While hosting a recent wedding shower for your niece, in fact, you were able to prove the validity of your theory. During the opening of the gifts you got into a conversation with three of the groom’s cousins. Turns out one of them has a mother in law who is from the same town where your daughter goes to college. By the end of the wedding shower you had an invitation to fly to this southern destination on that cousin’s Gulfstream executive charter to see your daughter the next time she and her husband go to visit their relatives.
You have always been a great talker, but this is the first time that you have ever would up with a free flight after a conversation.
Private Jet Charter Quotes Are Often More Affordable Than You Might Expect
Most people think that Gulfstream executive charter flights and other private flight options are too expensive to consider, but it is often in your best to make sure that you at least check out the options. Consider some of these facts and figures about the charter jet industry and the impact that they have on the nation’s travel industry:
- People who responded to a 2009 survey indicated that they are 20% more productive on a company aircraft than when they are in the office.
- 33% of all business aircraft flights travel into a secondary airport.
- 19% of all combined flights travel into large commercial airports.
- 11,261 private jets were registered in the U.S. in the year 2011.
Flying can be both expensive and inconvenient, especially when you have to fly on overcrowded and overpriced commercial flights. Finding a more convenient option like a charter jet, however, can help you save time and allow you the space that you need to work while you are in the air.