Starting a new business can be a challenge. At the same time, it can be rewarding. The dog food industry in the U.S. is a 58-billion-dollar industry.
The question is how to start or where to start. The YouTube video “How to Make 1000s Per Month Selling Dog Treats” gives excellent tips. Getting into the market is a lot easier than it appears to be. Pet owners are constantly looking for new treats to feed their dogs. These include whole gran dog food recipes.
The Recipe for Success
Many people say hard work is the recipe for success. That is true, in part. Due diligence, research, and listening to customers go a long way. Products with tried and tested recipes will succeed. This is especially true if the client loves the product. In this scenario, the client is the dog. Pet owners will continue to buy the product, provided it satisfies their dog. For a dog treat to be successful, it needs to meet specific criteria.
Firstly, the treat should be nutritious. It should contain all the necessary vitamins and nutrients a dog needs. Secondly, dog food needs to be appetizing for a dog. Thirdly, the treat shouldn’t break the bank. At least not at first. Set the market entry price and adjust accordingly as the audience grows.