There are a variety of industries that rely on vacuum furnaces. This is because vacuum furnaces are able to attain temperatures that exceed 1,200 Celsius, which is vital for a variety of industries. These include, but aren’t limited to, the crystal growth, energy, electronics, and medical industries. In order to manufacture a variety of essential products, parts, and tools, for example, metals such as tungsten and molybdenum are both used. This is due to the high melting points of these metals, which are also combined with other metallic elements to provide added strength and other attributes.
A Few Facts About Tungsten
While tungsten was discovered in 1781, it wasn’t used for industry purposes until 1931. This metal can only be found naturally in four different major mineral forms in combination with calcium, iron, or manganese. In its pure form, tungsten has the highest melting point of all metals, which is 6,170 degrees Fahrenheit. Tungsten also has the highest tensile strength as well as the lowest vapor pressure. It’s also noteworthy that tungsten is twice as dense as steel, which underlines its importance for various applications across industries.
A Few Facts About Molybdenum
During the late 1700s, molybdenum was acknowledged as an official element on the Periodic Table. Over the past 200 years, it has been utilized for a variety of purposes. For a number of years, it has been used for glass furnace electrodes due to its high melting point, which is 4,748 degrees Fahrenheit. The glass melting electrodes composed out of molybdenum need to have a 99.95% purity level.
This purity level is essential so that these electrodes are able to resist, or minimize, the following conditions:
- Chemical corrosion
- Chemical degradation
- Glass discoloration
Learn More About the Manufacture of Alloy Products
Many products, such as electronic parts and medical instruments, are composed of metal alloys. Given this, your business may be searching for a manufacturer to produce its alloy products. When you provide your product design specifications to an alloy product manufacturer, they will be able to discuss the different methods available to produce your product. Furthermore, an alloy product manufacturer will also be able to discuss the benefits of each method.