Do you like beer? If you live in the United States, you are not alone. Many Americans enjoy having a beer with a meal or whike watching their favorite sports. For the true beer fans, there is always the hobby of brewing beer at home. This might be a fun option for you if you already know that you like the taste of beer from a microbewery. andnbsp;By the middle of 2014, there were just over 3,000 small breweries all over the country. Most people in the United States live less than ten miles from the nearst brewery. Making your own home brew can be a lot of fun. Even getting the right equipment, such as a torch burner, can be a fun experience.
Tips for Beginners Who Want to Brew Their Own Beer
- Start by getting the right ingredients. When making your own home brew, there cannot be enough emphasis placed on the freshness of your ingredients. The quality of your starter ingredients makes a world of difference in the taste, texture and feel your friends and family will experience when they drink your home brewed beer. In fact, you can have all the state of the art equipment and still produce crap if the ingredients are not good. Even if you just got the latest and greated torch burner, for instance, if your ingredients are old or bad, the beer will taste terrible. Take some time when shopping for your ingredients to get the freshest around.
- Start with recipes you know are great. You like beer and you know which flavors go with different kinds of beers. You have brewed one batch of beer, are you ready to start making up your own recipenes? Not yet. It can be tempting, especially if you are used to doing your own thing in the kitchen where you never use recipes, to do the same thig nwith your home brew. When you first start out, it makes a lot more sense to follow along with recupes that have been tested and retested. Once you have mastered a few kinds of home brew, you can branch out and try new things. You will have plenty of time to try new things once you have mastered basic beers.
- Sterilize everything that will come in contact with your beer. This inclides the bottles you end up putting them in, all of the containers you use to ferment the beer and boil the wort. If it touches your beer, you need to make sure you have dantized it. You do not want a lot of bacteria to get into any of your beer.
- Buy heavy duty equipment. Did you start with a home brew kit? Many people get into brewing beer when they get a brewing kit as a gift for the holidats or their birthday. These are great for learnihg the basics of how to brew beer and get you started on the hobby. Once you have tried it a few times, you may want to upgrade your equipment. Maybe you want a torch burber for when you move the process from the kitchen into the garage. As you make more and more beer, more upgrades may be needed. Get new propane burners or propane pipe burners. You may also need new kettles and larger containers.
- Make your own yeast starter. Between two and three days before you start your brew, use your torch burner to boil one quarter ounce of hops with some dried malt extract with a quart of water. Once it has cooled add your yeast. Cover with foil and put in a cool and dark place until you begin your brew. /li>
- Ferment your beer in glass.Most kits come with a plastic jug for the fermentation process but you wil have a better quality product if you forgo the plastic and opt instread for a large glass container.
Brewing beer can be a lot of fun. When you boil your brew, you can use a wide variety of stoves, You can use the torch burner or go with a different kind of gas burner. Enjoy brewing your beer at home. It makes great holiday gifts and is as fun to make as to enjoy drinking.