There are a variety of different types of insurance coverage out there, and various incidents may bring about insurance coverage disputes. Whether it’s a dispute over life insurance, homeowners insurance, health insurance, or more, there are processes, places, and professionals available to help mellow out any insurance coverage dispute you may be having. For example, bankruptcy court, family court, juvenile court are all examples of settings where many insurance coverage disputes are settled.
One type of insurance coverage expected to be disputed in the coming years are those related to health and wellbeing, especially as it relates to the environment and global warming. Did you know, an estimated 40% of people living in the U.S. are concerned about air quality, either indoor or outdoor. The same people are concerned about the levels of methane, carbon emission, sulfur oxides, radon, refrigerants, volatile organic compounds, and other types of emissions that may harm the quality of our air. Poor air quality is responsible for many types of health conditions, which may result in higher insurance coverage premiums down the road. It’s estimated that 5,000 lives could be saved in the U.S. per year if we lowered our toxic air pollution from industrial plants alone. That’s a lot of lives and potential insurance coverage disputes that may be prevented in the future.
Water shortage is also a cause for many Americans. As the years go by, many experts predict that many parts of the lower 48 states will experience some level of water shortages by the middle of the century because of global warming. This may also result in drastic impacts on the quality of life for many people.
No matter what type of insurance coverage dispute you may have, court is a great setting for different parties to settle any type of dispute. Not only are their professionals who specialize in topics such as environmental law to help facilitate discussions between parties, but judges act as an ideal mode of mediation to ensure both sides are heard throughout the litigation process.
What do you think? Have you ever filed an insurance coverage dispute? If so, how was it settled?