Your store should feel like an experience to every single customer that steps through the front doors. Sound like a tall order? Then you may need some creative retail display ideas.
Although e-commerce has been booming lately and many greatly enjoy the ease of shopping anywhere they go, the appeal of the in-store experience has held strong. Maybe it’s something about holding an item in one’s hands and seeing it close-up. Perhaps it’s the atmosphere that keeps people coming back for more. Whichever makes your business stand out most, it’s up to you to give them reason to linger. Acrylic display risers, brochure display racks and clear window decals are all inventive ways to communicate to your customers without breathing down their necks.
Clear Price Tag Sleeves
Here’s something no business should be without in today’s changing tides. You need clear tag sleeves to update your prices and keep them shifting from discount to discount. Limited-edition sales inspire people to drop by, after all, and a little ease on your end is ease on theirs. Shoppers will make as many as 80% of their purchase decisions in store, meaning there are quite a few impulse buys you could be encouraging by being an effective communicator.
Custom Glass Door Signage
Want your business to look worth the effort? Put forth that effort with custom retail displays on your doors and windows. Simply scrawling on a few letters or using a one-size-fits-all sign isn’t enough. Not for today’s discerning eyes! Although shoppers will use their smartphones to do research on a product, from visiting your company website to reading reviews, nearly 80% still prefer to visit a store in-person. Setting a solid first impression will make sure they’re not regretting their decision.
Acrylic Door Sign Holder
What about when customers walk in for the first time? A door sign holder can add some old-fashioned charm to your set-up while still telling them what they need to know. On average customers will be exposed to over 3,000 advertisements in a day. Obviously, standing out is very high on the list for your brand. The cost to reach 1,000 adults for a store merchandiser with a life of one year was a mere three to seven cents. How much for a 30 second commercial in that same timespan? Four to seven dollars.
Display Racks
Your customers needs help moving around the store. Some, however, don’t want to be hassled by employees every step of the way. Display racks will communicate prices, function and extra appeal all in one go. They’ll even sell better! Full priced merchandise performs nearly 20% better with signage than without. This was only furthered by a Brigham Young University study that saw merchandise with a sign vastly outselling its peers every single time. From cultivating repeat customers to saving money on advertisements, there’s no reason not to get a little fancy with your creative retail display ideas.
Creative Retail Display Ideas
Signs are powerful. They tell us where to go on the road. They remind us of our favorite food when we’re in the car. They offer us some new knowledge on an up-and-coming event we might have missed otherwise. When you fail to create a store full of creative retail display ideas you fail your brand. A 2014 Mass Merchant Study found over 15% of unplanned purchases in-store being influenced by a sign noticed while shopping. There’s a whole world of repeat customers and impulse buys just waiting to be discovered.
Ready to make this the most successful year yet? Take another look at your brochure holder stand and think about how it could look even better for the next new pair of eyes walking through your front doors.