Onsite Location Signs Help Your Business Stand Out

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Signs help your business stand out. They mark its location, and also convey important information about your brand, your products and services. On-site signs can be one of the best types of advertising, and a well designed sign can help improve sales. Digital signage gives you even greater flexibility, and sign manufacturers now offer a wide variety of digital and neon signs and LED message centers to connect with customers.

Signs help your business stand out
Sign manufacturers can handle the entire process, from the initial consultation and design to installation and service. Advertising and marketing experts often forget to take into account the value of on site signs. And yet studies have shown that more than a third, or 35%, of customers wouldn’t know the location of your business without a sign. Signs attract walk ins. Customers walking by do take notice and on average, your sign will be seen twice a day by people whose daily routines take them past your location. That’s 60 times a month, and it makes for very effective advertising.

Location matters
Location signs work as free advertising, and fully half of the new customers of a business are drawn to it by an onsite sign. For real-world brick-and-mortar businesses, most customers are local residents and as many as 85% of them live within five mile of your business. A location sign is one of the best ways to draw them in.
Location signs work because people actually pay attention to them, out of curiosity or conditioning. More than one third, or 37%, of the people surveyed said that they look at outdoor signs each time they go past. And interactive signs are even more effective at pulling in customers: a study conducted by IBM found that 72% of customers will act on the messages in an interactive sign if it is placed within sight of the business.

On site signs offer a high ROI
Window letters, window graphics, banners, business signs and LED message centers all announce your presence and the products and services your business offers. They can also be one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising, with a high return on investment (ROI). For instance, the cost of a a redesigned onsite business is just $0.02 per 1000 views, and yet it can reach more of your customers than any other type of advertising.
The cost of each sign varies according to the size of the sign, the materials used, colors and content. Sign manufacturers can produce small signs – 12″ by 6″ – that have a basic design for around $8, while larger signs – 30″ by 30″ – with more detailed and complicated features, can cost nearly $100. That’s still much less than an online or print campaign.

Digital signage is eye-catching and unique
Digital signs make onsite signage even more effective. In fact, businesses with digital location signs see on average 30% more sales than those with more traditional signs. And fully 40% of shoppers say that they are more likely to shop at businesses with digital signs.
The reason is that digital signs are eye-catching without being annoying or intrusive. People find them unique, interesting and entertaining.

If you convinced of all the advantages of location signs, you should contact the sign manufacturers near you to discuss the best types of signs for your business.

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