Engineers from all different types of industries require certain tools and services in order to complete their jobs successfully. One of the most important tools engineers need, though, is access to measurement services. Measurement services are important for engineers because it allows them to measure the efficiency of a tool or system to ensure everything is working right. What are some of the most common uses of measurement services, though?
Calibrating instruments often requires the use of measurement services. When instruments are calibrating, an engineer has to compare the measurements of two different instruments. One is done with a known magnitude. Load cells also require certain measurement services. Load cells themselves are often part of a weighing system because they are designed to offer accurate load measurement data. In fact, load cells that are properly calibrated and installed can reach accuracies between 0.03 and one percent. When installed and calibrated properly, load cells, along with other tools and systems like torque sensor units, can operate under extreme stress and temperatures, from -452 degrees Fahrenheit to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Nowadays, many load cell systems are outfitted with strain gauge technology. Strain gauge technology has been around for more than 40 years and continues to be revered as a well established and reliable technology.
Load cells aren’t the only tools and systems an engineer may need measurement services for. Depending on the industry one works in, a whole host of tools and systems may benefit or even require measurement services to function. Some of these can include torque sensors, torque wrenches, torque analyzers, rotating equipment, load cell sensors, and more. For example, a torque wrench is used to apply torque to a fastener, like a bolt or a nut. It was invented back in 1918, and need to be calibrated with measurement services to ensure proper function.
How often should tools and systems be calibrated and measured with measurement services, though? Well, according to standards such as ISO9000, instruments should be recalibrated at least every two years. If an instrument or system seems to be deteriorating, recalibration may have to occur more often.
Do you work in an industry that requires you to recalibrate systems and instruments? How often do you utilize measurement systems?