Even as our world becomes increasingly paperless and eco-friendly, there’s still an overwhelming need for packaging of all kinds.
Don’t believe it? Picture yourself in a grocery store, going down an aisle surrounded on both sides by all manner of chips and soda and drinks and other packaged food. How do you make the choice on which one you get?
Whatever your pleasure, companies are always looking for the latest and greatest packaging solutions to get customers’ attention. The right packaging solutions are able to boost sales, foster relationships, and act as effective marketing tools. If you’re in sales, your company can have the best product in the world, but ineffective packaging or marketing can be the kiss of death.
With that in mind, here are seven tips to help your company’s product packaging stand out:
- Keep it simple: If you’ve been in business awhile, you’ve likely heard of the acronym KISS: Keep it simple, stupid. Think about all the iconic brands you know and how effective they are at catching customers’ attention. Take Coca-Cola for example: red and white combined with a simple white script and it’s a company worth more than $4 billion.
When considering packaging solutions, think of designs that are simple and attractive without going overboard. Ultimately you want the shine to be on your product and just on the packaging. - Keep it professional: No matter what you sell, customers need to be wowed; they need to motivated to buy your product and see how great it really is. Maybe that means using professional printing on your packaging—something 80% of businesses claim helps them stand out from their competition. It needs to look the right combination of neat, attractive and professional.
- Make sure you’re relevant: It’s no secret that the world moves pretty fast today. What’s relevant one day may not be relevant a month from now. When it comes to print and packaging solutions or even signage display, you want to find the right mix of something that sticks with customers. Maybe it’s a catchy slogan, maybe it’s a logo. Whatever it is, you need to make sure it’s designed to make customers care.
- Target your market: Whether your product is meant for children or adults, you want to market your product to your target audience. Marketing to children especially is very interesting because even if a child doesn’t purchase an item, they have an influence on the buying process for their home. Packaging with bright colors, cartoon characters or athletes can be a sure-fire way for kids to point out your items to their parents at the store.
- Think about size: It may not seem like that big a deal, but the size of packaging matters, a lot. A package’s size can make or break your success. Let’s say for example you sell smaller items with a short shelf-life. If the packaging for those items is too big, your company is going to end up wasting a lot of money. Instead, looking for packaging solutions that fit your company’s products.
- Let customers know what they’re buying: When a customer picks up an item in the store and examines the packaging, they want to be able to get all the information they need to choose whether or not to buy it. The last thing a customer wants is to take a chance on something and be disappointed.
By being honest and telling customers what they’re buying, they’ll come to trust your company’s products and might be more apt to buy them. - Change it up: One of the most effective packaging solutions a company can use is to change packaging throughout the year.
It means putting out products in seasonal packaging or special holiday packaging. This allows you to showcase your products and let customers know exactly why your company’s products might be perfect for Easter, Halloween, Christmas or whatever the occasion is.
With the right packaging solutions, whether it’s plastic, printed cardboard boxes, printed corrugated boxes or other packaging, you can make your products stand out from the thousands of others in the average store. Remember to target your audience, be creative, yet professional in your message and be honest with customers, telling them exactly what they can expect when they buy your product.