Whether you believe in the Ground Hog’s theory or not, it is important to note that no amount of sunshine or shadow can stop the progression of time. And just as you cannot stop an hour from clicking by, you also cannot stop the days from sliding by as well. This means that even if you have a record snowfall in your area of the country today, tomorrow you will be one day closer to Spring.
As a property owner, the change in the season is just one indicator of the work that you will need to get done. From changing air filters in a home heating and cooling system to making sure that you get the help that you need when it comes to a yearly inspection of a roof, windows, or siding, there are many times when finding the best resources allow you to not only maintain the current value of your home, but add to its value as well.
Whether you are the owner of a brand new model home or you are living in a century old house that is in constant need of renovation, it is important that you get in the habit of dealing with problems and concerns as soon as they occur. Likewise, it is equally important that you invest in the highest quality materials you can afford, as well as pay for the most experienced contractors who are available.
Equipment Specialists Offer a Way for Companies to Complete Tasks on Time
From the simplest of home construction projects to the much larger warehouse planning events, there are equipment specialists that both sell and rent the items that are needed to complete jobs of any size. If you have any forklifting experience you know that a good, reliable machine make any job easier. For this reason, there are some smaller businesses that opt for renting, rather than buying a forklift. Rentals allow a company to use this kind of equipment when it is needed, but rely on the owner of the equipment to take care of the maintenance, parts replacement, and the storage.
Any job that requires forklifts and other machines that are available from equipment specialists need to make sure, however, that all of the potential machine operators are specially trained. The safety of the driver, others in the working area, as well as the inventory of the materials being moved are all dependent on the proper care and safety training. Consider some of these other facts and figures about the use of forklifts and other machines that equipment specialists offer as rentals or for purchases:
- Proper use of equipment is always important, but especially when it comes to forklifts. In fact, injuries caused by forklifts constitute 10% of all injuries that happen in factories and warehouses.
- Forklifts are at fault for an average of 1% of accidents that occur in warehouses and factories.
- The maximum speed of a forklift is eight miles an hour, but in pedestrian heavy areas, a forklift should not travel faster than three miles an hour.
- Most common forklifts can carry weight between one and five tons, but heavy duty forklifts can bear loads as much as 50 tons.
- Electricity, diesel, gasoline, propane, and battery are the five ways that modern forklifts are powered.
- A record that still stand today, in 1989 a forklift set a world record by lifting 90 tons.
- A human lifting a 10 kilogram box puts approximately 180 kilograms of force on the spine, so it makes sense that industries want to have forklifts available to help with all sizes of lifting and moving projects.
- A process that requires renewal every three years, forklift operators must be trained and authorized before they are ever allowed to use this piece of equipment.
When the news channels start covering the stories about the groundhog and his shadow, we all know that the springlike weather is no really that far away. And while there are construction jobs all year round, warmer weather often means the beginning of many more outdoor construction projects, many of which rely on heavy equipment purchases or rentals. As the warm weather approaches your area, do you have the right specialty equipment ready for the first day when outdoor construction begins.