When people contact a business, they usually prefer to speak with a real person rather than leave a message. A recent survey showed that when people do hear a voicemail, 80% will hang up the phone. A large percentage of callers don’t want to wait on the line to speak with someone, either. It’s interesting to note that 75% of these individuals would rather receive a call back.
The Importance of Effective Problem Resolution
Even though all calls aren’t due to a problem or crisis, many are. When individuals contact call centers with a problem, their main concern is to have it quickly resolved. This is one of several reasons why many individuals aren’t pleased when they encounter heavily scripted calls. This approach tends to be ineffective because it is devoid of empathy and emotion. Both of these qualities are considered to be hallmarks of a positive customer service experience.
The Benefits of Creating a Positive Customer Experience
In order for people to feel satisfied about their experience, using a telephone customer service has proven to be effective. Forrester reported that this type of service has a 69% satisfaction rate. This is a higher rate when compared with the type of customer service that is available online.
It’s also important to note that when people have an excellent customer service experience, they will continue to conduct business with a particular company. Furthermore, 66% of these customers have expressed a willingness to spend even more as a result. This amounts to an average of 13% more, which is a strong indicator that these individuals will also recommend the company and share their positive experience with others.
Learn More About the Benefits of Medical Answering Services
Since 79% of consumers prefer to use their phone rather than another means of communication to contact customer service representatives, it’s good for business to have these calls answered by an actual person that can address their concerns with empathy and emotion. This can be especially important when they are distressed or in pain due to an illness or injury. It is also vital when they need to communicate important information or ask urgent questions.
When you contact a representative to discuss the benefits of having medical answering services for your business, you will be able to provide your current and anticipated needs. Since you’re in the medical profession, you want your patients to be able to leave a message for you when you’re seeing other patients, are out of the office, or otherwise unavailable at that time.
In addition to having an answering service available to take your calls during normal business hours, it would also be beneficial to have an after hours answering service and a 24 hour message center. When your patients have access to efficient, friendly, and empathetic medical answering services, this will reflect on you and your practice in a positive way.