Taking A Closer Look At The Importance Of IT Services In The United States

The world has become one that is very much reliant on technology, both in the working world as well as in all of our personal lives. From cell phones to desktops to laptop computers, there are many ways in which we use technology on a day to day basis. In fact, as many as fifty billion various devices will be connected to the internet in some way, shape, or form by the time that we reach the year of 2020, now less than two full years away. It only makes sense, of course, that technology has become deeply tied with how we work and how we go about our professions and our careers.

But technology and the use of it in the working world comes with a number of its own problems, sometimes related to security. As anyone who works in IT support as a service can likely attest to, data breaches have become relatively common in companies all throughout the United States. In fact, small companies alone are often the primary victims of such cyber crimes, with up to fifty five percent of all companies both small sized and medium sized experiencing some level of data breach or cyber crime over the time span of this last year alone.

And cyber crimes can have quite the impact, with data breaches alone costing more than three billion dollars since the year of 2014 alone. This marks a fifteen percent increase in the rate of data breaches and other such cyber crimes, something that can be linked to the increased use of technology and of digital storage systems. And not only do data breaches cost money, but they cost time as well, with more than thirty percent of the companies that experience them reporting that they lost at least eight hours of productive work time, if not even more than this. By any standards, this is certainly a significant amount of time.

So what can be done? How can cyber crime be prevented while digital storage and other such technologies are still utilized in the typical workplace? Is it possible? In short: yes, very much so, thanks to the availability of cyber security services and managed IT support as a service. Managed IT services and IT support companies that provide IT support as a service have become vastly more popular in recent years, and it is certainly no surprise as to why. After all, the more companies are using technology, the greater the need for IT support as a service will be, not just here in the United States but all throughout the world as a whole.

In fact, up to nearly forty percent of all companies here in the United States say that their top reason for bringing on a managed IT service provider is for the security assistance and services that they are able to provide. Without the managed service provider, it is unlikely that the company itself would know how to adequately protect themselves, especially since many companies are new if not very new to using the technological services that they have brought on.

But IT support as a service can also be used for education. IT support as a service can help to educate employees at companies of all sizes on how to operate certain technological advancements and programs that have been brought into the office. As there are up to five generations currently in the workforce of today, this is likely to be necessary to bridge some of that generational gap that can be seen most clearly in the matters of technology and the like.

Technology can be hard to adapt to, and there is certainly likely to be a learning curve when it comes to implementing new and possibly foreign forms of technology in any given workplace that employs a wide variety of people. After all, all people come from different backgrounds, and these backgrounds should not be discounted when it comes to learning about various types of technology. The use of IT support as a service is just one great way to implement the easiest method of learning possible with new technology.

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