Taking A Look At The Industry Of Powder Coating Here In The United States

From the typical sandblasting service to the process of applying a powder coating, there are many ways in which a product can be finished and given a professional and high quality sheen. This is particularly the case for plastic products, for which the use of a sandblasting service or powder coating service is commonplace. All in all, there are many reasons that such a sandblasting service or powder coating service should be utilized, as this article will go on to discuss.

There are a number of reasons that a sandblasting service or professional powder coating service will be utilized, and there are two concrete answers to the question of why get a powder coating. For one thing, the appearance of the end result of a powder coating or sandblasting service is quite impressive, very much improving the final look of any given product that is being manufactured. In addition to this, the application of a powder coating can actually even protect the product as well, allowing it to be more resistant to damage and last even longer than what would have otherwise been possible. As one might suspect, this is hugely important for selling any given product at a high quality, and therefore the typical powder coating or sandblasting service can even be quite hugely beneficial to sales and overall business ventures.

Powder coatings and the process of the typical sandblasting service tend to be quite environmentally friendly as well. As a matter of fact, studies have found that your typical powder coating used by just about any industry will be very low in volatile organic compounds (which are also known as VOCs). They are also typically free of solvents as well, making them healthier for the people consuming products with powder coatings – as well as much more environmentally friendly than other types of coatings (such as, for example, many a type of liquid coating used here in the United States in the world of manufacturing, as well as throughout many other parts of the world as a whole as well). This environmental friendliness is hugely important, with more and more people striving to be more environmentally aware – and to make more environmentally sound choices in their day to day lives.

Because of the above mentioned, powder coatings and the typical sandblasting service (one that is also quite environmentally friendly in comparison to liquid coatings) have become quite commonplace and popular here in the United States and in industries all throughout the world as a whole. The industry surrounding powder coatings has become particularly prominent, something that is more than backed up by the data that has been gathered on the subject in years recently passed. In fact, between the few short years between the year of 2016 and the year of 2021, the latter now not so far into the future at all, the amount of growth the industry of powder coatings is likely to see comes out to about 3% – and that’s just on a yearly basis and just here in the United States alone, not to mention anywhere else in the world where such an industry is also quite prominent. In addition to this already compelling fact, it has been found that the market value of the global industry for powder coatings and the like is set to exceed a total value of $12 billion – and that’s all by the year of 2020, which is now less than a year ahead of us.

At the end of the day, the service of powder coatings and the typical sandblasting service have become more highly utilized than ever before, no matter where you might go here in the United States. Even outside of the United States and in the world at large, the industry surrounding powder coatings is on the rise – and is likely to continue to be so for the foreseeable future. It makes sense, after all, as there are many and varied benefits to using powder coatings in the place of other types of coatings such as liquid coatings. It’s easier, more environmentally friendly, and even healthier.

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