Access control is one of the most important components of essentially any security system. With access control, you can determine who can access what and you can also keep unwanted parties out. This can include both access to digital data and physical places, such as an office building. In practice, when considering access control topology, many people think first and foremost about physical access.

By using various locks and commercial security camera systems, among other tools, it’s possible for property owners and other stakeholders to restrict and monitor people coming and going. With entrance controls integrated security, it’s crucial to ensure that systems are properly set up and that protocols are actually followed. You can install the best security system in the world but, if you cut corners when controlling day-to-day access, it’s possible that criminals and other unscrupulous parties will be able to easily circumvent security.
Many people are surprised at just how complex security is. If you’re not a security professional, it’s wise to work with pros who know the ins and outs of access control. You may have questions, like which one statement correctly describes access control rule evaluation or access to sensitive or restricted information is controlled describes which? Security experts can provide the right answers.

Are you a homeowner or the owner of a business looking for some helpful commercial security products and commercials security services? If so, then you are definitely in the majority and are going to be buying products from an industry that is rapidly going. There are now more businesses and homeowners that are buying security access control features than ever before!
The Global Retail Theft Barometer published by the Center for Retail Research found that North American retailers lose up to $45 billion worth of inventory from inventory shrink each year. Business owners cannot afford to lose out their money on someone misplacing part of an inventory. Instead, business security systems can help an owner avoid this type of situation.
Thirty-eight percent of inventory shrink can be attributed to shoplifting, and 34.5% to employee theft. This is a serious problem and owners of businesses should get whatever they need to help deter this. IF you are a homeowner then understand that 10% to 25% of all calls for police are alarm calls. Here are more facts on using a security access control system.
Security Systems Are Very Popular Right Now
Security access control systems are incredibly prevalent across the United States right now for a number of reasons. One reason is that the technology involved is better than ever before. Plus, there is even more here by way of the great results that these systems produce.
Recent statistics have revealed that nearly 1 out of every 7 businesses has some type of alarm system. However, many experts believe that this number is going to sharply rise over the next few years. Businesses and homeowners are beginning to understand the benefits that come along with installing a security access control system!
In a study of convicted burglars, approximately 83% of the offenders said they would attempt to determine if an alarm was present before attempting a burglary. It is estimated that 67% of burglaries can be avoided by the installation of video surveillance. One of the reasons why security access control systems are so prominent deals with the fact that they deter theft!
Security Access Control Systems Can Deter Theft
There are plenty of stats that help support the idea that a well-installed and well-designed security system can prevent theft and burglary. Understand that police respond to 38 million alarm activations per year. That is what truly prevents theft from happening because criminals are terrified of the police.
Just about 94% to 98% of alarm activations are false. However, even a false alarm can potentially be helpful because it at the very least can help you establish the presence of police in the area. Keep in mind that a false alarm requires 20 minutes and 2 officers to investigate.
Even during impulsive, unplanned burglaries, more than 50% of the intruders said they would discontinue the burglary if they discovered an alarm. This means that just simply having a security alarm that triggers a warning is enough to get rid of thieves and criminals. If that is what will deter criminals then why not invest in some great security access control systems!
In Conclusion
There are significantly more break-ins during the last two weeks of the year, where Christmas and New Years fall than at any other time of year. In 2013, victims of burglary offenses suffered an estimated $4.5 billion in property losses, and burglaries of residential properties accounted for 74% of the total reported. If you have been thinking about getting some type of security access control systems installed then you definitely should. It can help protect your business or your family depending on what you use it for!