The lines you saw in the news yesterday varied greatly. From the long sue of cars waiting for to order at the first In and Out Burger in Colorado to the lines of both people and cars shown in many parts of the country while so many waited in line at food pantries, the stark difference between where people are in this pandemic could not be more clear.
As the nation enters one of the most challenging holiday seasons in decades, there are many who are looking for ways to make a difference. And in a time when many people feel that they cannot look toward local and national politicians to help navigate the challenges of the Covid 19 pandemic, it is churches and schools and other groups that are stepping up. From the food pantry hours announced on the scrolling marquee signs of churches to the local news story about a mobile car detailing company filling their two company trucks with frozen turkeys to give away, there are many who are looking for ways to help.
Are You Ready for a Different Kind of Holiday?
you may have missed the gorgeous sunrise this morning that friends have posted on social media about, but now that have clouds and some snow flurries you, too, feel ready for the holiday season. It is 34 degrees outside now, but yesterday you finished putting up the outdoor Christmas lights in the front yard while you took advantage of the unseasonably beautiful weather. Your family will wait until after Thanksgiving to light them and to decorate the deck for Christmas because you still want to enjoy the fall decorations.
In the midst of wishing all your family and friends a healthy, safe, and happy Thanksgiving, however, you realize that these are difficult times for so many families. Families who have suffered a long illness or death because of the Coronavirus and families who have missing paychecks because their jobs have been eliminated as a result of the slowed economy. While you are preparing to enjoy the blessings your family has, you want to make sure more than ever that you also help your loved ones look for ways to help those who are less fortunate.
The signs for churches in the neighborhood are now asking for diapers for families who are struggling, and while your family has always enjoyed purchasing gifts to donate for children from families you adopt during the holidays, this year it seems like you need to do more. Just today you saw another set of scrolling marquee signs and one school sign board advertising the food insecurities in the community. As a result, your family will be spending what used to be a Black Friday full of buying and battling for bargains of items that you do not really need, you will be making a plan to make every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas a day of giving to others.
The list is not complete, but you do have plenty of ideas to get your group started:
- Inspired by two different scrolling marquee signs at one of the local sporting facilities, you are going to start collecting new athletic shoes and equipment to donate to children in the part of the city who have so often struggled during the winter months. The equipment will be given to schools and those PE teachers will help find happy homes where the children need an extra nudge to stay more active.
- Th local soup kitchen is still serving meals although the format has changed a bit. Your family will make time to serve as volunteers not once like in the past, but four times as the need is greater than ever before.
- Reading books is a favorite passion of everyone in your family. This year, however, you are going to make sure that you help others do the same. Inspired by the scrolling marquee signs at the local libraries, you will be donating new books for readers of all ages that they will be distributing throughout the month of December.
You would have to blind to ignore scrolling marquee signs asking for help in the community, and this year you are determined to make sure your children really see the needs of others.