Machine tools are the little pieces of equipment that could. Despite their small size and deceptively small impact they’re essential in delivering on quality.
Burnishing tools, bores, lathe tools, it doesn’t matter. No machine can operate smoothly without regular upkeep and it’s thanks to the precision metal finishing industry are you able to proceed as usual. When you’re starting to feel the aftermath of lackluster machine tools, your first order of business is to replace them as soon as possible. Not sure where to start with your PCD solutions? It’s time to do a little research and catch up.
Here are some simple tips on today’s machine tools, keeping them well-maintained, and the benefits they can offer your engineering process.
The American economy wouldn’t be what it is today without the hard works of engineers. Manufacturers alone contribute a staggering $2 trillion to the economy, providing several industries with the tools and labor needed to thrive. It’s estimated that, for ever dollar spent in manufacturing, another dollar and a half is added to the economy. Touching up your burnishing tools and focusing more on how they work will go a long way in helping you rake in those impressive figures. Let’s keep looking at today’s data.
Did you know there are over 255,000 firms in the manufacturing sector? Just 3,500 of them are considered to be on the smaller side, to boot. It’s estimated there are around 12 million manufacturing workers in the United States, accounting for just under 10% of the workforce. You have a tall order providing your manufacturing plant or small business with reliable quality. A single misshapen part or lackluster tool can cause a ripple effect that spreads to hundreds, even thousands, of people.
Machining operations today are classified into three principle processes. You have turning, drilling, and milling, all of which will require some form of lubricant or coolant. Metalworking lubricants and fluids play a vital role in machining, with the substantial flow of fluids used in the metal removal process being between four and 20 liters per minute. Not all of these are quite so grand, either. Sometimes all you need is a well-oiled rag to keep your equipment from rusting.
The United States continues to steamroll ahead thanks to the efforts of hard working engineers and machinists. American manufacturing taken as a stand-alone entity would be the eighth largest country in the world, on a purely GDP basis. Precision metal finishing ensures the metal used in everyday products and appliances is the highest quality possible. This means prioritizing safety and performance above all else. What should you be keeping in mind when you double-check your machine tools?
Drilling, boring, milling…these are all terms you’ll grow more comfortable with. Burnishing is a term that refers to increasing surface hardness, as much as a 50% jump, and can be used on a wide variety of metals and stones. Diamond films, for example, last 12 to 20 times the life of carbide in graphite. This also results in fewer tool changes and fewer opportunities for error. This saves you time down the road and, in turn, keeps you from spending unnecessarily.
Machine tools are the unsung heroes. Consider replacing your burnishing tools and aluminum components this year.