If you’re starting a new small business, or you have had a small business for a little while now, you need to be up to date with small business law. An unlawful misstep, even if done on accident, can still result in fines that could put you out of business. The only way to avoid that is by being knowledgeable about the law and any small business requirements. You also need to learn how to legally protect yourself, especially if you’re in a creative line of work.
The first thing you should learn how to do is how to protect your business structure. Getting an LLC isn’t the only way to protect yourself, and it might not be the best way. You should talk to a lawyer or an accountant to help you decide what path to take. Your goal should always be prevention. Do your very best to prevent problems before they arise. It may seem like a lot of money upfront to protect yourself. Unfortunately, the truth is that if you get into trouble and then have to react to a situation instead of preventing it, it will be much more expensive.