The tumbling drum has many uses in manufacturing. One large area where the tumbling drum is used is in food production. Each day many companies use tumbling drums to prepare their products. The most popular tumbling drum dimensions will range in diameter and length. Generally, a diameter of 18 to 36 inches and a length of 18 to 42 inches are the most common tumbling drum measurements. In this post, you will about three important jobs a tumbling drum does.
Rotary Clump Breaking Drums
Certain types of food will pass through production clumped together. The rotary clump breaking drums work well for food known to clump including rice. This machine softly breaks up any clumps without damaging the materials inside the drum.
Coating Drum
Dry tumbling barrel speeds will range between 28 and 32 RPM. This type of tumbling extensively uses the horizontal octagon shaped barrel. A horizontal barrel typically features either a steel or hardwood lining. This lining is easily replaceable which makes it popular for especially busy companies. The standard for a dry tumbling barrel is 30 inches in diameter by either 36 or 42 inches in length.
Polishing Drums
This tumbling drum is used to apply a polish to certain items. It is most common to see dried vegetables receive this polishing coating. A polishing tumbler is commonly used in the food industries but other industries have been known to use this device.
There are also tumbling drums used outside of the food industry. However, the device still works in the same fashion. Tumblers used outside the food industry are commonly used to clean materials. Sea glass is often cleaned with the use of a tumbling drum. Other common uses for a tumbling drum include metal and stone finishing.
In closing, there are many uses a tumbling drum has in the manufacturing world. Clump breaking drums work well for food items that typically clump together. It is common to see this tumbling drum used for foods including rice. A coating drum is used to apply a specified coating onto consumable items, ranging from dog food to candy. The polishing tumbling drum is easy to confuse with a coating drum. A polishing drum is often used to apply polish to vegetables and legumes.