With the use of Radiography and x ray exams to to go in and see what is going inside someone’s body, you find that lead aprons are now more important than ever before. We have a pacs computer that holds information as well as a pacs monitor and pacs vendors as well. These as well as lead aprons are all tools that are necessary in order to make the radiation protection products work to our advantage and to help us reveal a finding inside the human body. There are lead glasses that can be used with the lead aprons to find what one person is looking for, even if it is something like the bones of someone that has a wedding ring on. That shows that we need to have these devices in order to locate what it is that we need to find, regardless of what it is. Sometimes these x ray devices help us find things we did not know existed and they can also help to do the early detection of deadly diseases and life threatening illnesses. There is a reason that we have all of this and it is to our advantage that we use them to our full advantage.