What Separates A Strong Website From A Weak One? It’s All In The Design

Louisville web optimization services

Today’s website looks rather different from websites 15 years ago.

It’s easier than ever to get a basic website up and running. There are plenty of affordable, even free resources that are available to a wide variety of people, making the internet more accessible than ever. Does that mean you shouldn’t put in a little extra effort when it comes to your brand? Absolutely not. Even though the internet grows bigger by the day, customers are more critical than ever, outright abandoning websites that don’t load fast enough and picking favorites faster than a first impression can even be established.

If you want to keep up, you need to have a digital marketing strategy in place that keeps pace.

It’s Time To Update, Even If You Don’t Want To

Think your website is up to par? Think again. A site that’s even two years old could actually be rather antiquated, putting you in the unwanted spot of having to make up lost ground to any new visitors that swing by. All websites require updates and general maintenance as new devices are introduced into the mainstream and browsers change how sites are accessed by thousands, even millions, of potential customers. Professional web design is easy to find these days and a little effort goes a long way in making you stay ahead of the pack.

Customers Are Always Cross-Referencing New Information

Digital marketing services are very aware on how discerning customers are. Why shouldn’t they be? They face a barrage of advertisements and new information on a regular basis, meaning they can’t just give all their time and money to everything they see. One study saw half of respondents stating a website’s design is their number one criteria for determining how trustworthy a business is. It’s also estimated the average buyer will consult over 11 consume reviews on their way to a purchase.

No Website Should Take Forever To Load Or Explain What It Does

If your website takes forever to load you can kiss a good chunk of your customers goodbye. Studies have shown the change in a website’s ‘bounce rate’ spikes to 100% when a page takes over four seconds to load. That number jumps even higher to 150% if a page takes eight seconds or more to load. If your website isn’t explaining what it does, why it does it or how to contact the people in question? You’re already fumbling the most important step in the journey.

Mobile Optimization Is The Difference Between Success And Failure

Digital marketing isn’t just about outreach and advertisements. It’s also about making sure your website has the tools needed to give customers a reason to stick around. Much of today’s shopping and browsing is done on-the-go, with people preferring to look up reviews or figure out where they want to eat on their phone or tablet. Optimizing your website to be friendly for mobile devices will already put you leagues ahead of the competition. One study found 60% of companies that designed a website to be mobile-friendly had increased sales.

An SEO Company Can Drive More Traffic To Your Website

Last, but not least, you want a digital marketing campaign that’s always keeping a steady stream of customers to your website. Social media marketing and software development are useful tools, indeed, but an SEO campaign dips right into the most effective tool the internet has…the search engine. One study found 80% of consumer respondents stating they do ‘a lot’ of online research for their major purchase decisions. Search engines today are being used more often than ever, with Google and Yahoo leading the charge, and SEO will make sure you’re right where you need to be.

Your website shouldn’t be a blast from the past, but a statement of the future. Reach out to digital marketing companies this year and remind your customers of the difference.

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