By 2009, more than 87% of people ages 16 and up had a drivers licence. This may seem like an astounding number, and after all, it means that for every 1,000 citizens, 685 were drivers. And if you own a business, unless you live in an extremely foot friendly metropolitan area, those 87% will need a place to park near you in order to continue to patronize your location.
But, it isn’t as simple as all that. They need a place to park, I’ll give them a place to park, you might be thinking. But simply building it isn’t enough. You’ll need to hire parking lot cleaning services that can maintain it’s pristine condition, which may not seem like a huge deal — but really, it is. Parking lot sweeping prices are a small price to pay when you consider these reasons:
Good Customer Service
Nobody wants to have to kick trash out of their way as they get out of their cars to patronize your business, and by going the extra mile and hiring parking lot cleaners, you are showing your customers that you care about them and their experience. The gesture and effort will go a long way.
Immediately Form Impressions
Whether you like it or not, the truth is that the outside of your business will inform the customers opinion of your establishment the moment you walk in the door, and it is important that it be a good one.
Look More Professional
Being clean and presentable is just one part of showing that you are professional. It also shows that you have forethought and consideration, and are giving your best to your customers. Plus, it lets customers know that you are eco-minded — parking space related pollution in the United States adds up to between $4 billion and $20 billion in health and environmental damage costs annually.
A street sweeper cleans and maintains the street, but it isn’t the street that you’re necessarily concerned with. Make sure that your private parking area reflects the values that you hold as a business. There are an estimated 9,224 companies currently offering road maintenance services and road sweeping services in the United States — don’t hesitate to contact one to help you keep your parking area clean and accessible. Call them now to ask about parking lot sweeping prices