Becoming the victim of a burglary is certainly something that no one wants, and it can be a traumatic and scarring experience for a family, shaking their sense of safety as well as their trust in the security of their home. Fortunately, burglaries are largely preventable through the use of a residential security system. A residential security system not only prevents burglaries but can defer and deflect a burglar moments before they break in or during the break in as well.
Burglaries by and large affect single family homes or apartments, as 66% of burglaries are considered residential home break ins. In the United States alone, a home burglary is estimated to occur every 13 seconds. Of property crimes in 2015, home burglaries accounted for almost 20% and over $12 billion in property was stolen. Of this, only about 25% was actually ever reclaimed. Home burglaries are also most likely to happen in the middle of the day, between 10 am and 3 pm, when people are most likely to be away at work or out running errands, leaving the home at its most defenseless.
Thankfully, there’s something every household can do to prevent themselves from becoming victims to a burglary. Simply installing a surveillance system or a residential security system drastically reduces your chances of becoming a burglary victim. Just seeing that a residential security system installed is enough to discourage 67% of burglars, particularly if it is clear that video surveillance has been installed and is in use. Police officers also believe that a residential security system can be hugely instrumental in preventing a burglary, and 85% responded so in a survey. Without a residential security system, however, studies have shown that your home is actually up to 300% more likely to be targeted for a burglary.
Fortunately, more and more people in the United States are prioritizing home security. 85% of survey respondents think that a residential security system would be helpful in protecting their home. And 20% of Americans have some type of video surveillance in place. In total, homes in the United States have almost 20 million home security systems in place and operational.
Though home security systems aren’t a deterrent for every burglary, they can prevent the vast majority of them from occurring. They can provide an increased sense of safety and security as well as a much higher level of protection to a residential home.