If you are considering a career in sales, there are a few things that you should have under your belt before you begin. Sales staffing agencies have a criteria of skills and characteristics that they look for when hiring people for sales positions. Sales recruiters won’t just hire whoever is trainable, there is more to it than that. In order to hire great sales people, sales staffing agencies have to scrutinize each person and make sure that they will be able to succeed at the job. Every failed salesperson costs the company money and reflects poorly on the sales staffing agencies that were used to find that person. If a sales staffing agency can weed out the bad apples, it makes it a lot easier on the company that hired them and they will be doing their job correctly. So, let’s take a look at what sales staffing agencies are looking for when they hire a salesperson.
- Awareness
The most successful types of sales people are conscientious. They pay attention to their work as well as the customer and are generally organized and efficient. This is a trait that you can learn, but you’ll need it before going into an interview because it’s very obvious when someone isn’t aware of their surroundings and doesn’t realize how unorganized they are. - Respectful
This refers to how the person treats those around them but it is always in reference to how they respect the customers’ time and money as well. Customers are the number one priority when it comes to sales and how they feel they are being treated will make all the difference when it comes to actually procuring any income from them. People are busy and don’t want their time wasted, so being respectful of their time and the pressing issues in their lives is very important. - Initiative
The best sales people do not just sit around and wait to be sold what to do; they take initiative and go figure out what needs to be done to make themselves better in their field. They figure out new ways to sell and unique techniques and methods. They won’t hesitate to do what needs to get done. They are always learning and bettering themselves. - Listening
This is an important one because many sales reps tend to do to much talking and not enough listening. Not only do they need to listen to their bosses but they need to listen to the customer. This is the only way that they will be able to find out what the customer wants and needs and be able to make that happen. When they don’t listen, they can often lose out on great sales. - Persistent
Sales people receive a lot of rejection in their field of work. If you can’t take the door being slammed in your face or the phone being hung up abruptly then you might want to consider another line of work. Sales reps should be persistent but not annoying and thick skinned; not taking things personally. - Teachable
A good sales person knows that they are never done learning. There is always something that someone more experienced than them can teach them. They also are willing to learn from their own mistakes so that they don’t happen again. They should be able and willing to adapt to new situations and ask for help when needed. If they are told to do things a different way, they should be willing to try it out. - Independent
While being a team player is always a good thing, if you are not a leader type personality and do not work well alone, then sales isn’t for you. A sales person should be able to make sure that his or her work gets done even when the boss or other people are not around. Self motivation and drive is imperative in this line of work and is one of the things that will make you a great salesperson. Your number will prove if you are working hard enough or not.
If you can portray these things, you just may find yourself with a new job. However, keep in mind that sales can be a brutal choice of employment. But, if you apply yourself, you’ll find it to be extremely profitable and rewarding.