In the 90’s, companies had to find ways to make themselves look more desirable to potential employees. Many of them turned to Casual Fridays to make their office more fun and the work environment less burdensome. Nowadays, according to stats from ImprintableFashion.com, 90% of companies have a casual Friday, a third allow casual clothing every day, and 40% have expanded casual dress options in the last three years. However, workplace uniforms still play an important role in many work environments. As a result, many business owners invest in work uniform rentals to make sure workers have the clothing they need to establish a professional workplace.
Casual Fridays are nice, and 96% of employees surveyed said that they would take advantage of casual days when given the opportunity. But there are several advantages to providing workers with uniforms. For one, they help make it clear who is working and who isn’t, which is important in places like retail stores. Plus, uniforms can be great for building a more recognizable brand, as evidenced by the well-known UPS brown outfits. So either buying uniforms or investing in work uniform rentals on important occasions is smart for business owners who want to ensure success.
Choosing whether to rent or buy is actually a more crucial decision than owners might realize and can be as important as actually taking the time to come up with the right design. For the most part, the businesses who should buy their uniforms are the ones who want employees to maintain the same look every day (except of course casual Fridays) and rentals are perfect for companies who have special events every now and then that require particular uniforms. Choosing the right option is vital for making sure to have the proper work uniforms for women and men without wasting money.
Even though 81% of people surveyed said that they believe casual dress helps improve morale, just over half actually believed that they did better work. This means that, while casual dress codes can be nice for building a comfortable work place, they don’t necessarily improve productivity. So owners who want consistency and professionalism every day should work with a uniform supply company to find a good solution. While some might find that occasional work uniform rentals meet demand, others will want to buy them. Whatever the case may be, professional uniforms still have their place in today’s often-casual work environment. Find more on this here.