From the first announcement in a state when the number of Cornoavirus cases were so small that health officials could reach out to participants in the Special Olympics event at a single sporting event to the place where we are today in the spread of Covid-19, there have been many changes. The first men or women who tested positive for the virus were carefully tracked, from what games they may have participated in to listing the stores where they had shopped and the offices where they had worked, the initial cases were handled more differently than health officials are able to now. Health officials who were at one time merely requesting that basketball players, coaches, and team staff who participated in this a single event should self-quarantine to monitor their health and limit their exposure to others. This day by day and case by case information was made public on local television channels and on websites. Working to make sure these participants were aware and following these requests was somewhat manageable. As health officials and state governors shared, this virus typically has a mild effect on healthy children and adults with symptoms similar to a cold. It is more concerning to older people and those with underlying medical conditions. The purpose of the self-quarantine is to help slow the spread.
Health and safety are always our top priority. We also understand that any change in routine is less than ideal for educating our students and also very stressful as you work through childcare options. We are in constant conversations and continually reviewing our situation as we move forward. I am confident in the plans we have in place, and we are ready to quickly adjust if the need arises.
Fast forward a few weeks and now the cases are too numerous to individually track and stay at home orders have been issued in a number of states. Stopping the spread of this virus, however, now requires more than self isolation, sheltering in place, and social distancing. It is also requiring the help of many businesses and manufacturing plants.
Industries Look to Solve Production Needs
From large automobile companies with induction forges to smaller companies with steel melting induction furnaces that are used to create replacement parts and modify refurbished equipment, there are businesses across the country that are trying to see if they can play a role in solving the nation’s latest challenge. Providing the personal protection equipment that is needed in hospitals to protect the workers themselves has been one of the biggest challenges, so it should come as not surprise that some local businesses have halted their regular productions to help provide these needed medical supplies.
In larger plants, induction forges may be shut down to allow workers to create needed respirators and other necessary kinds of equipment. And while it may not initially look like the switch from induction forge work to reporter production has much in common, it is important to note that this is not the first time that American workers have needed to join in a national effort to safe the country. Currently, as much as 50% of the world’s steel is used for buildings and infrastructure, but there have been times in other world wars where the production of steel for cars was switched to weapon manufacturing and the development of needed war time vehicles. And as this war on Convid-19 continues, it only makes sense that more and more companies are looking at induction forges, steel melting furnaces, and seeing if these machines can be used in different ways.
When you realize that nearly 16% of the world’s steel is used for mechanical equipment such as for manufacturing or robotics, you also begin to realize that this steel could be useful in the invention and production of new machines and robots that can have an impact on the current health of the nation. America, like other countries around the world, is facing a big challenge, and it is important to realize that it will take the efforts of many to fine a solution. From individual social isolation to the transfer of the work force in many industries, there are many ways to help.