On a daily basis, the average person is subject to hundreds — if not thousands — of advertisements all fighting for our attention. The earliest advertisement is actually dated back to June of 1836 when the French newspaper La Presse first started including paid advertisements in an effort to lower their costs, extend readership, and improve profitability. When the earliest American televisions were released around 1928 it only took around a decade before advertising would take over TV; interestingly enough the first advertisement on television was broadcasted on July 1, 1941 during a Brooklyn Dodgers/Philadelphia Phillies game for the Bulova Watch Company. With the increasing prominence of the internet in our daily lives, traditional advertising has been forced to adapt in order to stay relevant and effective in our daily lives.
Modern Advertising
Just because social media, search engines, and blogs utilize elements of marketing doesn’t mean that traditional advertising is obsolete. On the contrary, as many as 71% of individuals state they often look at messages on roadside billboards — in fact, up to 68% said that their shopping decisions are frequently or occasionally influenced by advertisements viewed while in the comfort of their vehicles. A survey found that 58% of interviewed individuals over the age of 18 learned about an event that they were interested in thanks to a billboard. One of the most popular twists on traditional, stationary billboard advertising is the introduction of vinyl car wraps. These wraps are printed out and adhered to vehicles to essentially create a mobile advertisement; interviewed millennials state that car wraps are some of the most engaging and interesting forms of advertising to have surfaced over the past few years. When combined with telecommunications or digital media, these marketing techniques are powerful tools to help draw engaged leads from all over town.
The Value of a Storefront Sign
No matter how advanced we become as a society or how dependent we become on digital space, there will always be a need for a reliable, distinctive storefront sign. In fact over a third of people say that they would not have been able to discover a business if not for their sign! Since an average of 85% of a business’s customers live or work within a five mile radius of the store, it makes senses that those businesses that invest in a noticeable, informative, or amusing sign are primed to draw more customers in. Marketing analysts have found that businesses that replace or improve on a storefront sign with a larger sign or fancy electric business signs increase their revenue by an average of 7.7%. Other statistics suggest that the value of an on-site sign is equivalent to 24 full-page newspaper ads every year; for this reason, marketers agree on-location signage is a commercial necessity for success for small and large businesses alike.
Having Fun With a Marquee
Distinguishing a business is the number one challenge according to marketers around the world; with so many businesses competing for the attention of an increasingly scrutinous cliental it makes sense why advertisers are so stressed out. Studies show that the best investment one can make for their on-site signage is to go with scrolling marquee signs. These full color LED signs are distinctive and customizable, allowing the business to directly engage with onlookers with new messages, pictures, and colors that always change. Unlike traditional business, church, and school marquees, the advantage of a digital marquee allow users to quickly create custom messages — no longer do employees or students have to brave the elements and take time to change business or school marquees as all of this can be done from the comfort of an indoor computer. This also means that messages can be created on a faster basis — for example if there is a school cancellation a digital school marquee could display it that very day to inform parents and students. No matter what kind of message you need to get out, count on a modern digital business, church, or school marquee with LEDs to get the word out!