The new year is in full swing. Have you donated to charity lately?
If it’s been a while since you’ve dug around in your home for unwanted items, never fear. Charitable clothing donations are still one of the best ways to help out your community and do some good for the planet. While offering up furniture and old toys is a useful endeavor, veterans clothing donations hold the unique distinction of being able to penetrate multiple levels of society. It can clean up the environment, save you money on your taxes and provide countless people with useful items.
Here are the five things your clothes donations will do this year.
Clean Up Landfills And Encourage Cleaner Air
Landfills are extremely bad for the environment. They’re essentially giant piles of waste that grow higher and higher by the day, filled with bacteria, harmful chemicals and all sorts of pollution to leave the air worse than before. Back in 2006 over two and a half billion pounds of fabric were kept out of landfills through the efforts of used-clothing purchases. This number can be made even higher with the aid of green charities and just a little effort on your part.
Provide People In Need With Useful Clothing Items
Veterans clothing donations don’t just help keep landfills clear. They make sure your community always has affordable, high-quality resources to look forward to. Today the average American will buy twice as many pieces of clothing as they did 20 years ago, meaning your unwanted sweaters and ill-fitting jeans could become a smart buy for someone a week down the line. Make sure your clothes are gently used so they can be hung up and sold at a low price later. Even the ones that are damaged, however, can still be useful…
Recycle Useful Materials Back Into Your Economy
What else can you do to help out the environment? Letting your used clothing donations stimulate the local economy. Americans will send 10 million tons of clothing to landfills each and every year. Nearly 100% of household textiles, however, can be recycled regardless of quality or prior usage. What materials are we talking about? Cotton, nylon and spandex, just to name a few. Local clothing donations are a varied and clever way of getting rid of trash while still doing a world of good.
Clear Out Your Closet To Create A Happier Home
Clutter can be a notorious drain on your mental and emotional health. Get rid of it by participating in veterans clothing donations. Anxiety and depression are two disorders that can be exacerbated by a dirty, messy home, both of which are well-known for impacting your daily mood and even your work. Pick up clothing donations are one such resource you can use to eliminate clutter without even leaving your home. The average American will throw away 70 pounds of clothing and linens every year.
Encourage Your Friends And Family To Help Out
Last, but not least…veterans clothing donations can influence other people in your life to take charge. Helping families in need or clearing up the environment is only as good as the change it inspires, so make sure to share what you did on social media or through the grapevine. You can even stress the tax write-off benefits, too! Any charitable donation worth more than $250 needs to have a receipt to write off on your taxes, saving you a little money down the road even as you help others in need.
With the new year well on its way, a little good can make tomorrow even brighter. How will your Purple Heart donation help someone in 2018?