How to Establish a Healthy Mood

Wellness coaching

Many people struggle with stress and spiritual confusion. Educational programs teach us how to add numbers together and how to spell certain words. College programs prepare us for a major that we wish to be employed in. Even our parents prepare us for financial wellness and adult life skills. No one ever prepares us for healthy ways to deal with stress. No one provides us with the necessary tools for a stress free and spiritual life. It is important to keep the following things and techniques in mind when dealing with overwhelming amounts of stress.

Meditation and grounding practices.

Many people lose the focus of the world. They may get so caught up in their work tasks that they lose sight of what else is important. When something negative happens at work, it may seem like the end of the world. Meditation and mindfulness practice can help to ground the individual and reconnect them with other important parts of the world.

In a small, NCCIH funded study, 54 adults with chronic insomnia learned mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR), a form of MBSR specially adapted to deal with insomnia (mindfulness based therapy for insomnia, or MBTI), or a self monitoring program. Both mediation based programs aided sleep, with MBTI providing significantly greater reduction in insomnia severity compared with MBSR. Many life coaching programs include the practice of MBTI and meditation relaxing techniques.

Counseling and self exploration study.

When most people think of counseling, they think of mental health services. However, you do not have to have a mental health disorder to benefit from counseling. Counselors are trained professionals who are great listeners and have the ability to help you understand your feelings. Counselors can help with spiritual life decisions, making tough decisions, and working on communication styles with family and friends.

Counseling services also do not need to be regular. They can occur when you are simply feeling down. They are another great way to ground yourself. Just 33% of Americans said that they were very happy, remaining consistent with happiness levels in 2011, but dropping from the 35% who reported being very happy in 2008 and 2009. People go through phases of happiness and unhappiness, generally based on their individual life circumstances. Counseling services are a great way to get through the unhappy periods.

Religion services.

Many people turn to religion when they are feeling overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. A spiritual life is often a healthy one. When people feel that they have unlimited resources for mental and spiritual health, they are likely to feel better about all of the different aspects of their life. A spiritual life coach is a great way to work through undecided spiritual concerns. In fact, 67.6% of life coaching clients reported a higher level of self awareness after working with their coach.

Alternative medicines and diets.

A person?s diet can affect their overall health, including their mood. If you are deficient in certain vitamins, you may feel it in your mental health. A certified life coach also helps customers become aware of how their eating habits are affecting their overall health. They may help them to incorporate any deficient vitamins into their diets. Also, trading out harsh over the counter medications for more natural of medicines can help increase the overall wellness of the entire body.

A large percentage of the U.S. deals with stress and the inability to engage in helpful and stress reducing activities. A spiritual life coach can evaluate your life individually, looking at all aspects of the overall health. They can recommend things like meditation, yoga, exercise, diet changes, alternative medications and vitamins, and spiritual wellness. All of these areas of the life affect a person?s overall happiness, and improvements to individual areas can drastically increase happiness and reduce stress.

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