Few notifications garner more excitement than the announcement of a Snow Day!
When the news crawled across the bottom of the television screens and the robo calls came from the district superintendent, an excited group of seniors made their plans. They bundled up, including the warmest snow boots that they could find, and met at the sign. The school marquee that was also documenting the big event.
In all capital letters that were flashing and blinking for all of the senior class to see, the school marquee sign was creating the perfect picture that everyone had been waiting for. By the time the group of friends arrived they realized that they were not the only ones with the idea for the classic photo. In fact, no fewer than 25% of the senior class had made their way to the sign. Although the streets were not cleared enough to allow many people to come in cars, the students found themselves bundled like young children going sledding, making their way toward an impromptu celebration of an unexpected day off school.
School marquee signs may be intended for announcing the times for basketball games and parent teacher conferences, but a Snow Day announcement may get the most attention!
Outdoor School Signs Can Help Districts Communicate with the Community Members and Tax Payers
Even in the largest of cities, local schools are a gathering location for community members, even those who no longer have children in classrooms any more. The announcement of sporting events, school fundraising events, and other gatherings open to the public can be important public relation pieces for a school district. In a time when schools are often facing funding challenges, it is important for districts to spread the news about all of the positive things that go on in with students of all ages. Although students may be more excited about the announcement of classes being cancelled, the rest of the district taxpayers may appreciate the listings of events that are going on as scheduled!
Scrolling Marquee Signs Are Becoming Increasingly Popular for Churches
Churches always hope to serve as inviting places to people outside of their congregations. Although their most faithful members may have service times memorized, a church marquee sign can help non members know the time of services on regular Sundays, as well as special services like Good Friday, Easter Sunday, Christmas Eve, and Christmas. Special community events like congregational picnics and concerts can also serve as ways to involve potential members in your church.
Businesses Have Always Known the Strengths of Marquee Signs
As many as 35% of people indicate that they would not have discovered a business had it not been for the business sign. In fact, some studies indicate that even adding a or changing a sign can have an impact. More specifically, studies indicate that making an addition or a change to a sign directly improves sales revenue. In fact, replacing a store front wall sign with a larger sign increases revenue by as much as 7.7%. As further confirmation of the value of a powerfully designed sign, 85% of a business’s customers live or work within a radius of five miles of its location.
Whether you are deciding to add a school marquee sign or update a sign for your church or business, consider these statistics about the power of signage:
- 26% of respondents to one survey indicated that they remembered a phone number or Web site address that they saw on a sign.
- 58% of poll respondents who were 18 years or older indicated that they learned about an event they were interested in attending by information provided on a billboard.
- 71% of people indicate that they often look at the messages on roadside billboards, whether those signs are traditional or digital.
- 68% of poll respondents indicate that they frequently or sometimes make their shopping decisions while they are in the car.
- 32% of poll respondents indicated that they visited the retailer they saw on a billboard later that same week.
- The value of an on-site sign is comparable to the same amount of exposure in purchasing 24 full-page newspaper ads a year.
Do you have an exciting message to share?