How often do you think about your drinking water?
If you thought to yourself, “Not very much.“, you’re in luck. Cleaning drinking water is a humanitarian issue that’s starting to see more and more conversation around the world, whether it’s due to contaminated water supplies or the simple health benefits of drinking more glasses per day. Water is necessary for life, yet it’s very easy to pollute and leave unfit for human consumption. Water treatment for commercial facilities takes on many forms, from eliminating excess mineral build-up to reducing as much bacteria as possible.
How could your water supply be better? Let’s count the ways.
Quick Facts About Water Around The World
Water is the key to life. When it’s contaminated or inaccessible? This affects entire populations and puts everyone at risk. It’s estimated over two billion people today don’t have regular access to clean water. Whole house water filtration, new water wells and the increasing prevalence of certain diseases have begun to rise to the forefront of many discussions about water safety. Your water treatment for commercial facilities or home improvement ventures look much the same, despite serving different purposes.
Common Issues Faced By American Homeowners
What does the average homeowner have to contend with when improving their water supply? To date more than 15 million American households actively rely on private wells for their drinking water. Drilled wells are made by either percussion or rotary drilling machines, able to be drilled more than 1,000 feet deep to provide the best possible quality. An adequate domestic supply of water from a well by most professional standards is five gallons per minute. Hard water, bacteria contamination and rust are all potential hazards homeowners face today.
Daily Water Conservation Habits
Not only do homeowners want to enjoy water free from hydrogen sulfide or radon exposure, they want to save money on their bills. Household water leaks are one of the most common and frustrating roadblocks, as well as the most underappreciated. Household water leaks waste a collective 900 billion gallons of water every year. Even allowing your faucet to run for just five minutes while washing dishes can waste over 10 gallons of water. That’s also as much energy as it takes to light a 60 watt light bulb for 18 hours.
The Definition Of Hard Water
A water issue you can literally see is hard water build-up. Water treatment for commercial facilities and residential areas need to account not just for dirt and bacteria, but high concentrations of minerals. How often do you notice a white or gray scum building up on your kitchen faucets or inside your bathtub? Does your water taste unusually sweet or bitter? These are common signs your water supply has an excess of minerals, which can be hazardous to your health when left unchecked for long periods of time. While filters can help remove some, hard water solutions and general water health is best done with a thorough approach.
How To Improve The Quality Of Your Water
Whether it’s problems with iron in water or lowering radon concentration, water treatment for commercial facilities and residential areas is an ongoing action that must be taken seriously. The state of New Hampshire alone has over 2,400 public water systems, serving as much as 65% of the population and always in need of a critical eye to keep people healthy and safe. The best way to treat well water is through a combination of point-of-entry water system resources and classic water purification systems. Remember…water that looks and tastes fine still might not be clean.
It’s better to be safe than sorry. What can you do to ensure your water is always safe to drink?