The General Services Administration (GSA) serves as an independent agency of the U.S. government. Established in 1949 the GSA helps manage and support the basic functions of a number of government agencies. From providing platforms to track the organizational clothing and individual equipment of various agencies to providing training for special operational equipment, the GSA plays an essential role in many groups and events.
From fire and emergency services equipment to tailored logistics support programs, there are many groups that are working to make the most effective use of both services and personnel. Finding the right way to employ the resources that you have will allow you to create the most successful environment for both your workers and your clients and customers.
Organizational Clothing and Individual Equipment Can Make Your Agency More Productive
There are many organizations that rely on special equipment, apparel, and supplies. Finding the most affordable way to acquire these items, in fact, often determines the success or failure of many groups. From local fire departments to national security forces, the GSA provide guidance as to the kind and number of equipment that is needed for nearly any force.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the ways that the GSA helps both civilians and non civilians achieve their goals through the agencies and companies where they work:
- Government buyers spent nearly $1.2 billion through the GSA Security Schedule during the course of fiscal year 2017.
- Categorized by industry, the GSA Schedules program is broken down into approximately 30 contracts or “Schedules.”
- Known as Special Item Numbers (SINs), the GSA Security Schedule includes more than 100 subcategories.
- Amounting to more than $1 billion in high-quality vehicles and automotive services, the GSA procures more than 65,000 vehicles a year.
- As well as providing prefabricated structures, GSA’s Buildings and Building Materials Schedule 56 Contract provides the federal government with a source for quality industrial services and supplies.
In a time when the nation’s politicians seem to be battling each other more than other countries or leaders, it is important to know that there are plans in place to make sure that the services that protect us will always have the supplies and the equipment that they need. Knowing that the necessary weapon components are available when needed, for instance, means that even when the politicians in Washington are battling each other, the troops have the supplies they need for their various kinds of battle.