Make Your Point of Purchase Display Pop with These 5 Tips

Custom product packaging

For people who do their shopping at brick and mortar stores, most decision making occurs in the store itself Research shows, this accounts for about 70% of shopping deciion making behavior. Having the displays for your product catch the eye of shoppers is incredibly important for your bottom line. To that end you can work with a corrugated displays manufacturer to develop the most effective display to put your best foot forward.

5 Tips for Maximizing Your Point of Purchase Displays:

  1. Make your construction stand out. Corrugated displays manufacturers can do a lot of fun and interesting things with corrugated boxes. Use your imagination to draw shoppers’ attention to your display. It can be quirky, fun even downright strange. If you imagine shoppers walking through a store, they turn the corner and find a lion make of custom corrugated boxes wearing a bathrobe. Maybe in his teeth, he has your product.That gets people’s attention.
  2. Make your product the star of the point of purchase design. The corrugated displays manufacturer may have made a lion that captures the attention of people who walk by but if your product is the real star. Make sure your display, regardless of how goofy it may be, revolve around your brand and what you are selling. You should be creative but it all needs to make some kind of sense for your messaging and the products you make and sell. Make sure the display does not draw attention away from your product’s packaging. It should he fun and different but should not clash with or make your product packaging look out of place.
  3. Let customers take something real away from your display. Have the corrugated displays manufacturer put in something that shoppers take with them. You can make this be tips for using your product or helpful hints like recipes, it can be coupons to save now or something they collect. Work with the corrugated displays manufacturer to make sure you can keep track of how many take away items are actually taken away. You can have different custom printed corrugated displays for different parts of a promotion or parts of the year. Maybe, fig they collect all of the pieces, it makes something or if they collect all the pieces, they get a prize or something similar. Some companies have used these with trivia contests. Few things work as well as interactive displays.
  4. Play around with several designs that are used at the same time. When you are running a promotional campaign, find a few different and fun custom printed corrugated displays that are different but work well together. In other words, find a fun theme that will tie a few different point of purchase displays together. One idea is to tell a story with your displays. Each one should stand well alone but then looked at all together do work effectively as one unit. Each piece can represent a character in a story or a part of the story. With these custom printed corrugated displays, you are really only limited by your imagination and your tastes.
  5. Try to think like your customers. While you are running your business, you have probably gotten to know your customers at least a little. Think about what feedback you have received about your products and what has worked and not worked for you in the past. Sometimes companies spend so much time developing new concepts that they lose track of the lessons they have learned from past campaigns. This is not to say you should recycle old ideas, just think back to what concepts were the most (and least) successful.

There are a lot of ways to use custom corrugated displays to get attention for your product and your brand. You can work with your corrugated displays manufacturer to create new and fun point of purchase displays that raise awareness of your company and brand by generating interest and creating a decent amount of buzz. If you take advantage of this versatile material, you can make fun, exciting point of purchase displays that get shoppers attention while promoting your brand and your products. You are really only limited by your imagination and style.

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